ADA Artist Feature 10/2014 : SCENOCOSME
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SCENOCOSME (Gregory LASSERRE & Anais MET DEN ANCXT) are known for their inimitable poetic language of visualization and sonification of interrelations between humans and nature. The collective explores (invisible) energy flows between living beings and/or between humans and their environments by means of technology and make them perceptible for spectators. Their interactive artworks and choreographic collective performances make attendees share extraordinary sensory experiences.
“Lights Contacts” (2010), “Akousmaflore” (2007), “Alsos*” (2006) or “SphèrAléas” (2004) are remarkable immersive environments and acousmatic soundscapes reflecting on connectivity and alternative ways of communication. At the intersection of art and science the artists explore sensor technologies and develop complex software transforming “natural energy” like static, heat or breath into sound and light installations.
Image: Scenocosme, "Ecorces", 2012.
Evelyn TSITAS: “Lights Contacts invites people to touch another to create sound and light according to the intensity of their electrostatic energy. The work perfectly illustrates […] connectivity in the age of technology.”
Peter WEIBEL: “Technology is nature made by humans. Scenocosme makes the man-made voice of nature visible and audible.”
["Technik ist vom Menschen gemachte Natur. Scenocosme macht sichtbar und hörbar, wie die vom Menschen gemachte Stimme der Natur klingt."]
Catherine MASON: “Scenocosme have been exploring ‘energetic coherence between living beings and their environment’ in their art for the last few years. By contrasting the relationship between the natural world and the man-made Scenocosme’s art highlights the challenges facing our planet and our human responses to it."
In this video essay, the team explored the keyword MULTI-USER, which is a common term to describe Scenocosme's artworks and their aesthetic, and linked this through visual comparison to the concept of PANORAMA in Art History and contemporary Digital Art.
Using the Media Art Research Thesaurus (, we are able to study digital artworks and graphic prints from the Göttweig Abbey Collection by following their respective keyword indices. In a second step, they can be analysed not only by their semantic linking, but also by visual comparison.
Other KEYWORDS SCENOCOSME: Interactive, Performative Installation, Projection, Body, Empathy, Environment, Nature