
"Cadence" by Kayla Parker

Featured Artwork

Cadence (2022) is an animated film poem created with a constellation of common wayside flowers, gathered during walks on land reclaimed from the sea along the shore of the Laira estuary, on the coast of SW Britain, an endangered habitat now threatened by coastal erosion and climate change. The haunting soundscape uses audio field recordings from this place and evokes the cries of curlews foraging on the mudflats at low tide.

Kayla Parker is an artist film-maker who creates innovative works for cinema, gallery, immersive 360 environments, public and online spaces using film-based and digital technologies. Her research interests centre around subjectivity and place, embodiment and technological mediation, from posthuman feminist perspectives. She exhibits her work internationally: venues include the Crisp-Ellert Art Museum, Florida; Kepler Hall art space, Johannes Kepler University (JKU), Linz; the Barbican, ICA, and Close-Up Cinema, London; Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre; ARTPLAY Design Center, Moscow; and Aurora Picture Show, Houston; and at festivals such as Punto y Raya, Trans(m)it, Tricky Women, Anifilm, and Kino der Kunst.