Healthy Ecosystem and Fighting Dengue: Biodiversity, Affectivity and Infirmity of Landscapes in Social Software and Data Visualization

Domingues, D.
Source: Domingues, D.

Diana Domingues

Healthy Ecosystem and Fighting Dengue: Biodiversity, Affectivity and Infirmity of Landscapes in Social Software and Data Visualization ,
Co-workers & Funding
Diana M. Gallicchio Domingues, Sara Diamond, Ana Paula Machado, Ricardo da Silva Torres, Carla Ferreira Rocha e Tiago Franklin Lucena.

LART, Post Eng. Bio. University of Brasília at Gama, Gama/Brasília, Brazil; CAPES ,CNPq, Brazil
OCAD U University, Ontario, Canada
University Center of Cesumar, UniCesumar, Maringá, Brazil
Institute of Computing, University of Campinas, UNICAMP, CAMPINAS, Brazil
  • dengue
    1029 × 763
  • dengue
    3259 × 1925
  • dengue
    2433 × 1463
  • dengue
    2418 × 1619
  • dengue
    578 × 958
  • dengue
    2089 × 2210
Scientific information from technicians and from the communities are gathered in a database, with geographical information.
Participatory Design and Ethnographic Protocols for Visualization specific technologies (emergent systems, model-based scientific visualizations of complex data sets, data mining for volumetric visualization, cloud computing and architecture) large use of mobile devices and participatory design strategies.
The system is based on networked cyberinfrastructure and physic territory actions. These actions use advanced scientific methods for analysing and evaluating biodiversity research on continental-scale environmental issues.
Also, they are based on accelerated research strategies, and on communication strategies for collaborative network on biodiversity, ecological and geographic informatics, social platforms, mobile technologies and mhealth process learning experiences in the physical world and in the digital environment, in collaborations and reciprocity, by using technological common network protocols.
Transdisciplinar/antidisciplinar methods in social software and data visualization in a cyber infrastructure of intelligent systems and visualization technologies enable an affective aesthetics regarding the infirm landscapes and to fight the dengue problem, joining the scientific methods and the social behaviors that aim at a healthier future for the planet.

The Journalist became Operative – Artist as Producer – Benjamin - "The Author as Producer” (1934), when, in occasion, he discusses the reporter’s role as director of artistic and cultural activity with the desire for social changes
- Health Communication adressing Health Promotion
- Change Behaviours
- Change the Environment

Some of these content were used by future journalist in their news, requiring them new approaches and strategies, many of these multimedia and community-based content are shared on website used to the project: Midiamania after our “Activation workshops” and “Intervention”.
Beside the traditional content, we pro- totype a mobile app called “RadarDengue”, the requirements and the scopes of the system was designed after the intervention and intense collaboration between community and students.
Besides the graphical interface and poorly aspects of game the major contribution of the app is highlighted to possibility to give the community tools for creation. The app record the content, locating it. Videos, images and texts now can be read by other users online and see for example, images from dengue breeds sites.
After a brainstorming session with some students we sketched a project to use drones in the neighborhood taking picture from the sky trying to “see” mosquitos affected areas by computational vision in remote of abandoned houses.
It was good also to see the “design solutions” given by the community with the aim to not give the condition to the proliferation of mosquitos. One old lady, who loves plants, make their vase up to always see the quantity of water accumulated. Another one change the size of pot of water to her dog for other smaller, to always replace the water and check for mosquitos’s egg. Another resident who makes small holes in his trash can and by doing this, the water always flows to the ground pointed another perspective. All solutions is taking as inspirational material for a participatory design of new urban and domestic objects.

Inspired by enactive approach, also based on contributions of James Gibson about ecological perception we understood the closed and intertwined relation between man x nature.
The affordances of the environment are “what it offers the animal, what it provides or furnishes, either for good or ill.” (…) .
In the last few thousand years, as everybody now realizes, the very face of the earth has been modified by man. The layout of surfaces has been changed, by cutting, clearing, leveling, paving, and building. Natural deserts and mountains, swamps and rivers, forests and plains still exist, but they are being encroached upon and reshaped by man-made layouts.
By questioning why man changed the shapes and substances of his environment, Gibson answered: “To change what it affords him. He has made more available what benefits him and less pressing what injures him.” Making his life easier for himself generates disturbances in the environment that requires different behaviors for other species.
Aedes Aegypt is one of this adaptive species that reconfigure itself to life in domestic objects such as: window curtains, screens, and doorway or wardrobe.
Dengue’s mosquitoes are beneficed by different aspects and way of acting in the environment.
  • aesthetics
    • affective
  • genres
    • bioart
  • technology
    • displays
    • hardware
      • mobile devices
    • interfaces
      • interactive media
        • augmented reality interfaces
    • software
      • Global Positioning System (GPS)
Technology & Material
Micronarratives, mobile devices and apps:
Exploring mobile techs: devices iPods, iPhone?s, Ipads, Android..
Hardware and GPS locativity - Google maps, MySpace, Facebook, Skype, Twitter, blogs, instagrams, Whatsapp
Exhibitions & Events