REENGINEERING of Nature and biodiversity challenges

Domingues, D.
Source: Domingues, D.

Diana Domingues

REENGINEERING of Nature and biodiversity challenges ,
Co-workers & Funding
PhD thesis André Oliveira, Dr. Diana Dominguues Supervisor, Cristiano Miosso
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The challenges of the infirmity of landscapes in the sense of affective geographies and health care, biodiversity, affectivity and the infirmity and preservation of the landscapes and life of the planet

Reengineering of culture
The role of social and mobile platforms (mhealth) which enhance the awareness of human presence and reinvents urban ecologies amplified by mobile technologies targeting a healthy reengineered future

“Frogs’ signatures”

Innovative technologies investigates biodiversity and life protection related to the preservation of frog populations in Brazilian biomes. Frogs’ vocalizations are visualize exploring the acquisition of sounds and their properties. The automatic system provides the classification of the species and the number of frogs living in remote biomes, replacing the old analogic way methods. Abstract images, correspond to different levels of physical parameters determined from the sounds: temperature, humidity, and light conditions. The sonic enactive landscape is the PhD thesis of André Gonçalves de Oliveira’s, supervisor Dr. Diana Domingues, in collaborative practices with investigations in signal processing, intelligent systems and data visualization by Prof. Dr. Cristiano Miosso. Different types of physical and behavioral properties, as well as environmental parameters, can be extracted from frogs callings as shown in a recent bioacoustics research.

Regarding scientific visualization techniques to analyze frog vocalizations, we explore e.g. different forms of spectrograms, representing time-frequency distributions using gray levels and colors in bidimensional and tridimensional representations. Furthermore, we develop dynamic spectrograms, showing the evolution of time-frequency distributions as time passes and as the frogs (or other animals) react to environmental changes. Building these spectrograms, we compare different techniques, such as the windowed Fourier transform and filter banks. In enactive soundscapes and data visualization, we use our affective enactive system in Virtual Reality and the simulation of human proximity using our physiological sensors for enactions and the immersion in data landscapes as in the LART Cave. Biofeedback systems and data landscape (large data screen and the compelling experience in the cave), the manipulation of visual and sonic information dialoguing with distant biomes are proposals for the naturalization of aesthetics in the enaction to living organisms, here the frogs, using teleproxemics. Metaphorically, we propose frogs’ signatures and the human behavior dealing with laws and phenomena of the cosmos, by influencing life of nature as a living organism, exchanging electrical potentials, heats, sounds, vibrations and the sense of presence being advanced by the technological apparatus and affective biofeedback for the responsibility of humans and a healthier territory.
  • aesthetics
    • affective
    • real-time
    • three-dimensional
    • virtual
  • genres
    • bioart
  • subjects
    • Nature and Environment
      • animals
      • ecology
      • electromagnetism
  • technology
    • interfaces
      • interactive media
Technology & Material
Signal processing, intelligent systems and data visualization
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