Expanded sensorium and physiological sensors

Domingues, D.
Source: Domingues, D.

Diana Domingues

Expanded sensorium and physiological sensors ,
Co-workers & Funding
Dra. Diana Domingues, Dr. Adson da Rocha (FGA Gama, LART, CNPq), Dra. Suelia Rodrigues Fleury Rosa (UnB), Dra Cida Donato (FAETEC, ISERJ)
  • image
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EVALUATION OF PHYSIOLOGICAL VARIABLES in an unusual context, that is, non-clinical or laboratory, using a T-shirt developed by undergraduate students in Electronic Engineering and Masters in Biomedical Engineering, with sensors capable of measuring body acceleration and variation in body inclination .

This experience brought together a transdisciplinary team (arts: music, performance, visual arts, medical sciences, electronic engineering, computer science, education, architecture, social sciences), for two days in the city of Rio de Janeiro, coordinated by researchers Prof. Dr. Diana Domingues and Prof. doctor Adson da Rocha and University of Brasília, FGA Gama, LART, CNPq, and also at UnB by Profa. Dr. Suelia Rodrigues Fleury Rosa from Bio Eng. Lab and in RJaneiro by Profa. Dr Cida Donato from FAETEC, ISERJ. The Professors had in the executing team with activities of: graduation students in electronic engineering, software engineering, master's in engineering with biomedical, doctorate in medical sciences, and Professors Doctors and Masters of the Arte e TecnoCiência Group, and also of Perfomers Visual artists , invited to participate and perform at the event. The group formed by undergraduate students in pedagogy and pedagogues from Rio de Janeiro was guided by Profa. Dr. Citizen Donato.

In the first moment, a meeting was held with the executing team (figures 1 and 2), and in that opportunity the actions that would be carried out, the schedule, and mainly, the singularity of each of the groups - special students and performers - were discussed.
The technological apparatus foreseen for the workshop:
- T-shirt with sensors;
- data base sound and organic sounds;
- graphical projections on data interactive visualization of measured physiological averages;

were tested the morning before the performances.
It was decided that the use of an embedded sensor system would be included, which offers a strap with respiration and heart rate sensors, marketed sensors, acquired by the person in charge of the workshop Prof. Dr. Diana Domingues and brought to the country by researcher Ted Krueger. The apparatus serves to increase the number of physiological variables during activities, as well as to know and discuss the influence of organic sounds and graphic landscapes on the heart and respiratory rate of people with intellectual dysfunction and healthy people.

OBJECTIVES: To test sensors to measure physiological variables – respiratory rate, heart rate, acceleration and inclination of body axes during two moments of body performance mediated by organic sounds. Promote reflection and debate on the use of these technologies to assist or supplement physiological functions in non-excluding contexts.
  • aesthetics
    • experimental
  • genres
    • bioart
  • subjects
    • Body and Psychology
      • bodies (animal components)
      • breathing
  • technology
    • displays
      • non-electronic displays
        • bodies (as non-electronic displays)
    • interfaces
      • body sensors
        • body tracking
Technology & Material
Embedded sensor system that provides a strap with respiration and heart rate sensors, sensors sold