Latin American Memorial as a living space

Domingues, D.
Source: Domingues, D.

Diana Domingues

Latin American Memorial as a living space ,
Co-workers & Funding
Univ. de Brasília (Brazil) and LART-Lab

ROCHA, Ferreira da Adson, HANDAM. Camila, AUGUSTO, Leci, Oliveira, Andre.
  • image
    1394 × 933
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    2200 × 1561
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    2200 × 1561
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    602 × 250
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    424 × 237
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    424 × 394
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    473 × 322
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    653 × 438
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    1336 × 1003
A project in Environmental Art - urban art created a translocated geography, to commemorate the 200 years of liberation of Latin American countries, in 2010 mixing two places in the city of São Paulo. The signal transmission, via a wireless network, in streaming, translocated sounds captured at the source of Riacho do Ipiranga, in Jardim Botânico, to the Barra Funda Zone, or more precisely, from the creek, sounds were translocated to the tombstone of water that surrounds the Galeria Marta Traba building of the Memorial da América Latina building complex, creating a mixed soundscape in real time. Sounds identified personalities from Latin America, in the field of culture, politics, literature, music (Guevara, Evita Peron, Ayron Sena, Pelé, Carmen Miranda, Cantinflas, through fragments of national anthems, in speeches, from movie soundtracks, voices , noises, speeches heard by passersby, when passing through the ramp, triggering sensors.
At the same time, an ambient sound mixed with the sound of the creek of Ipiranga, the historic site of the cry of the Independence of Brazil, generated an imagined geography, designed and reengineered, in a co-located site: the natural source of the creek, with the artificial urban site of the Memorial building. The sound of the place where D. Pedro I proclaimed Independence brought with the sound of the creek gave the cry of freedom in that place. The surface of the water mirror (tombstone or place without life) functioned as a place of an event or state of becoming for the memory of an emerging culture by technological devices of network and in streaming, allied to sensors in situ updated, by the flows of the presence of visitors.the recreated public place. Inside the Memorial, a game of images in the memory of photographs and videos, with characters/icons, designed the Gallery's ceiling, in anamorphoses, through distortions, of characters' faces in ephemeral apparitions that alternated like phantasmagorias On another screen, the network, offered a social platform on Twitter, allowing to follow through an intelligent system of websemantics and datamining the cultural memory of characters. In a database with artistic, scientific and historical terms, worldwide accessible on the web, through a search engine, exploring Latin American culture, written by anonymous authors, activated writings on Twitter.
  • aesthetics
    • projected
    • virtual
  • genres
    • installations
      • interactive installations
  • subjects
    • Arts and Visual Culture
      • architecture
    • Media and Communication
      • communication
      • hypertext
      • Internet
      • social media
      • telephones
    • Technology and Innovation
      • mobility
  • technology
    • displays
      • electronic displays
    • hardware
      • mobile devices
    • interfaces
      • interactive media
Technology & Material
Installation Requirements / Space
Presence sensors activates a database of voices of latin american idols when entering into the the building as phantons.