Memories Simulator: published and exhibited at Porto Ferreira Borges market, CD ROM publication and installation under a commission by Porto 2001, European culture capital (project Transformation Records)

Patrícia Gouveia
© Art (concept and imagery): Patrícia Gouveia;Music and Interaction programming: Ana Domingues ; Patrícia Gouveia

Patrícia Gouveia

Memories Simulator: published and exhibited at Porto Ferreira Borges market, CD ROM publication and installation under a commission by Porto 2001, European culture capital (project Transformation Records) ,
Co-workers & Funding
This installation and published CD ROM under a group printed box were an interactive fiction or a possible memories simulator with the aim to let people see how the Oporto city was before major architectural changes due to 2001 cultural capital public arrangements. The city became an exploratory map with several paths and the user could follow the flow of these changes in a playful manner. The idea was to let people evaluate, from photos and videos, how was the city before these changes. Following different areas of the interactive map they could create their own impressions about city public interventions and policies. In a poetic fashion people could compare these changes to what the city became after the transformation.
I created the concept, and all the imagery and Ana Domingues created all the music and Interaction programming.

Porto 2001 European Capital invited me for this commission and supported all the necessary funding.
  • Memory Simulators (2001)
    1920 × 1080
  • aesthetics
    • installation-based
    • interactive
    • intermedial
    • processual
  • genres
    • conceptual art
    • digital activism
    • game art
  • subjects
    • Art and Science
    • Arts and Visual Culture
    • Media and Communication
  • technology
Technology & Material
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