
Marian Essl
© Ars Electronica, Immersive fields, JKU Campus, Linz, AT/2022 ; Marian Essl

Marie-Claude Poulin

site-inflexion , ongoing
Co-workers & Funding
Artistic direction: Martin Kusch (kondition pluriel)
Image Realization & Post-Production: Marian Essel, Jakob Hütter, Johannes Hucek
Sound: Jakob Schauer, Marie-Claude Poulin
Scientific Consulting & Technical Simulation: Alexander Humer, Andreas Brandl and Astrid Pechstein Laserscanning: Branislav Rudic

site-inflexion is part of TRANSFORM , a collaboration project between the University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Johannes Kepler University, Linz and Danube University, Krems.

A project by:
Department of DIGITAL ARTS, University of Applied Arts, Vienna in collaboration with Institute of Technical Mechanics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz

Funded by:
The Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Sciene, and Research (bmbwf)
  • site-inflexion
    900 × 475
  • site-inflexion
    900 × 475
  • site-inflexion
    900 × 600
  • site-inflexion
    900 × 600
  • site-inflexion
    900 × 600
  • site-inflexion
    900 × 900
The immersive installation site-inflexion invites visitors to take part in a site-specific virtual and acoustic journey. The scenery and soundscapes of the JKU campus are the main actors in the work, alluding to Johannes Kepler’s activity as a landscape mathematician. A laser-scanned topographic survey of Kepler’s gardens becomes an audio-visual environment transfigured by the everyday sounds that inhabit them. Oscillating between urban pollution and phantasmagoria, structures and lawns bend and curve under the effect of sound waves, reaching their inflection point by tipping towards the unknown. In site-inflexion, acoustic parameters manifest in visual distortions, allowing users to experience the spatiality of sound through a multisensory perception of our (urban) environment. A tangible 360° composition that reveals the inextricable interconnectedness of space and sound.
Technology & Material
fulldome installation