Equivalents II

George Legrady

Equivalents II ,
Co-workers & Funding
  • Equivalents II, 1993: Exhibition Space
    111 × 83
  • Equivalents II, 1993: Euphoria
    111 × 83
  • Equivalents II, 1993: Equivalents Die Zeit
    111 × 83
  • Equivalents II, 1993: Equivalents Die Zeit
    111 × 83
  • Equivalents II, 1993: Equivalents New York Times
    111 × 83
  • Equivalents II, 1993: Equivalents New York Times
    111 × 83
The "Equivalents II" project has evolved out of an intent to mathematically simulate believable still-images that convey the realism of the photographic. It is based on an interactive computer program that produces abstract, cloud-like images when text is entered into the computer. In an installation exhibition situation, viewers are invited to generate images by typing in their own phrases, comparing them with the wall displayed images produced by the artist.

The program uses the "2D mid-point displacement fractal algorithm to generate tonal complexity and the initial tone control parameters are set by the viewer's phrase, each text resulting in a particular image. In addition, the program triggers further disruptions in the visualization process when it encounters certain words in the viewer's phrase that match those stored in the program's database. The database contains words from the following sources: J.G Ballard's "Crash", Michel Foucault's "The Order of Things", computer slang words, gender labeling and identification, TV Talk shows vocabulary, and those that describe positive and negative attitudes. At the completion of the drawing phase, the program brings up other phrases entered by previous viewers that have words in common with the current viewer's text. Optional large scale images include the "News Series" consisting of generated images produced from photo captions selected from the New York Times and Die Zeit newspapers.

(George Legrady)
  • genres
    • installations
      • interactive installations
  • subjects
    • Art and Science
      • algorithms
      • mathematics
    • Arts and Visual Culture
      • photography
Technology & Material
  • Legrady, George. »The Equivalents II..« In B+B Arts International, edited by H. v. Amelunxen, 216-221. Amsterdam: 1995.