Birds in a Hat

Copyright 2007 | College of Arts and Sciences | Images © CsuriVision Ltd. | All Rights Reserved | ACCAD | 331 Sullivant Hall, 1813 N. High Street | Columbus, OH 43210
Source: Copyright 2007 | College of Arts and Sciences | Images © CsuriVision Ltd. | All Rights Reserved | ACCAD | 331 Sullivant Hall, 1813 N. High Street | Columbus, OH 43210

Charles A. Csuri

Birds in a Hat , ongoing
  • Birds in a Hat
    700 × 573
Birds in the Hat (1968), presents an iconic example of an early plotter drawing, a printing technique that allowed for an ink pen to be guided by digital input. Executed using an IBM 7094 computer and a drum plotter, this work mathematically transforms a drawing of birds playing around a hat into series of images in which the birds progress to dance in phases, split throughout the horizontal composition. Birds in the Hat epitomizes the artist’s interest in image transformation as analogous to the transformation of the human spirit.

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