My Father

Copyright 2007 | College of Arts and Sciences | Images © CsuriVision Ltd. | All Rights Reserved | ACCAD | 331 Sullivant Hall, 1813 N. High Street | Columbus, OH 43210
Source: Copyright 2007 | College of Arts and Sciences | Images © CsuriVision Ltd. | All Rights Reserved | ACCAD | 331 Sullivant Hall, 1813 N. High Street | Columbus, OH 43210

Charles A. Csuri

My Father , ongoing
  • My Father
    745 × 936
This early plotter drawing later served as the basis for two different versions of "Sineman Two." In "Sineman Two" Csuri applies the sine curve function to the drawing of "My Father" and then created a black ink drum plotter drawing and a red photo silk screen on plexiglas.
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