Which one is true?

Yun-Ju Chen
Source: Yun-Ju Chen
  • 01 Which one is true?
    1628 × 914
  • 02 Which one is true?
    1628 × 918
  • 03 Which one is true?
    1200 × 800
  • 04 Which one is true?
    1633 × 917
  • 05 Which one is true?
    1629 × 916
Reality has become more precious with the advent of artificial intelligence.

We are now living in the era of post-truth and is bombarded by fake news and manipulated by social media. With the advent and popularization of artificial intelligence used for facial recognition, tracking, and prediction, these AI tools can be used to easily swap people’s faces in videos and fabricate people in videos, making it nearly impossible to tell the real from the fake. The saying “Seeing is believing" is probably no longer so reliable.

Which One is true? is an interactive robotic installation that uses the technology of facial recognition and tracking to interact with the audience. The robotic installation follows and tracks the audience and then proceeds to capture images of them and record them. The participants’ faces are then stored in a databank and composited to form images with their faces altered. The images with the altered faces are then projected and displayed at the same time with the actual faces of the participants. The participant’s’ real faces, their composited faces, and the faces of other participants are then projected and displayed inside the exhibition space at random. As the real faces continue to alternate with the fabricated faces and as the artwork continues to document throughout the exhibition, the process of digitalization raises the question of “which one is true?" in this post-truth era.
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