Suit on the Phone
Suit on the Phone
Digital print. Size: various
Date created: Spring 1994
Victor: Here again is another early Soft-image 3D piece that I created when I was working in Hollywood as an IRIS print operator. This was at Klein Design in that tall thin building on the corner of Sunset and Vine. I could see the Cinerama dome from my window.
‘Suit’, was originally done along with a group of images in response to an open call for work from the Krannert Art Museum, Champaign, Illinois. They turned it down, but the piece was later accepted to the 2nd New York Digital Salon in October 1994.
This piece is based on a found image; a discarded 35mm slide from an 1980s corporate slide presentation. I had bought a slide projector at a garage sale, and this slide and a few others were left in the tray. The silver geometry is made up of alternating planar array networks of hexagons and triangles.
The entire structure is duplicated and scaled down into a small dense cluster and it hides the protagonist’s face. I was inspired to do that after reading an interview with electronic composer Karlheinz Stockhausen about the repeating and compressed time-scaled structuring inside one of his musical works.
Digital print. Size: various
Date created: Spring 1994
Victor: Here again is another early Soft-image 3D piece that I created when I was working in Hollywood as an IRIS print operator. This was at Klein Design in that tall thin building on the corner of Sunset and Vine. I could see the Cinerama dome from my window.
‘Suit’, was originally done along with a group of images in response to an open call for work from the Krannert Art Museum, Champaign, Illinois. They turned it down, but the piece was later accepted to the 2nd New York Digital Salon in October 1994.
This piece is based on a found image; a discarded 35mm slide from an 1980s corporate slide presentation. I had bought a slide projector at a garage sale, and this slide and a few others were left in the tray. The silver geometry is made up of alternating planar array networks of hexagons and triangles.
The entire structure is duplicated and scaled down into a small dense cluster and it hides the protagonist’s face. I was inspired to do that after reading an interview with electronic composer Karlheinz Stockhausen about the repeating and compressed time-scaled structuring inside one of his musical works.
digital graphics
Arts and Visual Culture
History and Memory
Power and Politics
Society and Culture
Technology & Material
Silicon Graphics workstation, Mac IIci
Softimage, Photoshop
Exhibitions & Events
Frank, Peter and Charlotte Frost and Thomas Miller and Michael J. Masucci and Victor Acevedo. Acevedo in Context: Analog Media 1977-1987 • Digital Media 1983 - 2020. 1st th ed.Los Angeles, CA. USA: Acevedomedia, 2022.