Schmutziges Licht ( LICHTPHON ART-AVANT X )
Sound/Video Work
Schahram Poursoudmand (Music & Sound Artist, Composer, Visual Imagist, Poet) & Yoann Trellu (Video & Visual Artist)
An abstract, poetic visual-sound-drama
The visual, tonal union and view of transcendent embodiment. A symbiosis of micro-coded, floating light-dust particles, interconnected in cracked soundscapes, layered sound cellslevels, residual impulses and dissecting short-time cuts in noise structures. A self-born symbiotic being - alive through dissolution and constant change in time.
Metamorphoses - time, form, image- and sound-transformation in existence
Schmutziges Licht (Lichtphon Art-Avant X) is transformation in the beauty of decay and nonexistence. In the change of sight and hearing, reality and the levels of being resonate. Form and formlessness become inseparable. The unknown emerges, moves, penetrates into the observer, into us - becomes conscious and existent.
Inner perception is infinite
Schmutziges Licht (Lichtphon Art-Avant X) is a multi-layered light-image-sound-vision. An artistic position and poetic exploration of the perception of artificial light and the unknown in the incarnate - of selfhood in an eternally lasting word in silence.
„Schmutziges Licht (LICHTPHON Art-Avant X)" is time, form, image, sound-transformation. A complex, poetic, scientific, philosophical video-sound composition. Abstract, filigree, powerful and subtle at the same time. A dramaturgical Opus and a French-German co-production by the experimental artists Schahram Poursoudmand (Composer, Music & Sound Artist, Visual Imagist, Poet / DE) and Yoann Trellu (Video & Visual Artist / FR ).