Device built to explore film materials originally conceived as linear analog forms that once beeing digitized become susceptible to manipulation through the programming process. This is a machine that allows the user, through interaction with a panel of buttons, recombine fragments of video and audio on different tracks that run independently creating audiovisual forms variables.
This work reviews existing footage getting of it a new visual discourse by incorporating new execution capabilities, investigating the possibility of creating contemporary technological support specific visual forms able to avoid linear narrative structures.
This work reviews existing footage getting of it a new visual discourse by incorporating new execution capabilities, investigating the possibility of creating contemporary technological support specific visual forms able to avoid linear narrative structures.
Technology & Material
Electronic design, projector, computer and sound system
electronic design of physical interface
software design with Pure Data (PD), database, real-time processing, sound analysis and graphical
Exhibitions & Events
Lizalde, Néstor. Cinema-Transcode. Spain: DOSSIER, 2011.