Hangars Liquides VR , –
Co-workers & Funding
The artist Djehan Kidd is part of HANGARS LIQUIDES - French cultural non profit organisation "create, diffuse and promote any type of art" since 2007.
FUNDED by my art patreons : the city is proudly funded by people from absolutely every single continent with no exception.
Lorenzo Cinotti has my gratitude forever.
Help and support from various curators. Special thanks to all the art professionals, throughout the years, in spite of the hardships of working into avant-garde art.
Thank you to everyone I have crossed path with, our cultural exchanges are a factor of peace in our world.
Special thanks to the city of Venice for protecting the art and the artists, including me, since centuries.
(P) HANGARS LIQUIDES - AUDIO Works of Laurent Mialon, Electroacoustic Composer :