Opus Zero

Andres Colubri
Source: Andres Colubri

Andres Colubri

Opus Zero ,
Co-workers & Funding
Andres Colubri, Elliott Kaplan, David Elliott, Grace Nielson, Madeleine Gallagher, Megan Daalder
  • Opus Zero
    1024 × 768
This work explores memory and reinterpretation: a dinner was organized by the artist at his home, and 5 people were invited to take part of it. The conversation that ensued over the dinner table was recorded, and parts of it were re-enacted by the artist, who assumed the roles of the 5 guests. The “reconstructed” dialog was played back in the gallery, using a speaker setup that mirrored the arrangement of people around the table the night of the dinner.

The title of the piece is inspired by Opus 11 by the fluxus artist Eric Andersen:

“An ocurrence or part of an ocurrence is recorded and then played back.”
  • genres
    • sound art
      • sound installations
  • subjects
    • Art and Science
      • space
    • Media and Communication
      • communication
Technology & Material
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