As far as the creases
Here, a human organ constitutes the landscape: a brain is covered in a fine film of aquatic algae. The alga deposits itself by taking its time and continues to grow at its own rhythm.
I provide regular modest help: I change the water twice a month. In this way, the entropy accumulated in the aquarium is reduced. Refreshment of the environment favors the maintenance of order, of life.
It seems to me that the speed of light in this landscape actually slows because of the specific way its energy is consumed: it contributes generously to the process of photosynthesis (the essence of material construction for this closed world) while traversing the large and unusual surface of the algae covered brain. To render the full depth of this filament landscape visible to us, the light must graze all its folds and creases ambling with us like a fellow traveler.
I provide regular modest help: I change the water twice a month. In this way, the entropy accumulated in the aquarium is reduced. Refreshment of the environment favors the maintenance of order, of life.
It seems to me that the speed of light in this landscape actually slows because of the specific way its energy is consumed: it contributes generously to the process of photosynthesis (the essence of material construction for this closed world) while traversing the large and unusual surface of the algae covered brain. To render the full depth of this filament landscape visible to us, the light must graze all its folds and creases ambling with us like a fellow traveler.