I wanted to see all of the News From Today

Martin John Callanan

I wanted to see all of the News From Today , ongoing
  • callana how we...
    177 × 293
I Wanted to See All of the News From Today provides an immersive experience by amassing the front page of hundreds of newspapers from around the world and displaying these images within the screen space of a single webpage. Continuously gathering data from the newspapers without pause, the work reduces each paper to an image, a node in a networked text - totalized, overwhelming, and illegible.
  • genres
    • database art
  • subjects
    • Art and Science
      • databases
Technology & Material
instead of creating an exhibit of works, which falls under a specific category; i did something. Unsure of how the content of these works’ are related to each other; they are grouped together by Appropriation. Within all these projects elements are borrowed from other sources to create a new work.The borrowed elements may include images, forms or styles from art history or from popular culture, or materials and techniques from non-art contexts.Even though undefinable, they stand on their own as art work.
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