Most days we spend a great deal of time watching screens and massaging interfaces. It is only through the looking glass of our devices that we may assume our electronic doppelganger. Wearing it like invisible armor, our avatar helps us navigate and communicate in 21st century collective consciousness. Some have begun to define and customize their avatars, while others are still becoming aware of their image in the electric mirror.
Through video phones and a reconfigured mechanical toy, Phoney allows two people to talk to each other on seperate sides of a space. When a person interacts with a terminal in Phoney they see the live video feed from the point of view of the mechnical toy on the other terminal. Similarly when they speak into the phone receiever, their voice makes the mechanical toy on the other terminal dance, causing the video feed on thier side to bounce around. If both Phoney terminals are in use, a bizarre convsersation is possible.
Through video phones and a reconfigured mechanical toy, Phoney allows two people to talk to each other on seperate sides of a space. When a person interacts with a terminal in Phoney they see the live video feed from the point of view of the mechnical toy on the other terminal. Similarly when they speak into the phone receiever, their voice makes the mechanical toy on the other terminal dance, causing the video feed on thier side to bounce around. If both Phoney terminals are in use, a bizarre convsersation is possible.
Technology & Material
Through video phones and a reconfigured mechanical toy, Phoney allows two people to talk to each other on separate sides of a space.
Exhibitions & Events
Ann Landi. »Brain Wave.« ARTnews (June 2009): 92-93.
Freyer, Conny and Sebastien Noel and Eva et. al. Rucki. Digital by Design: Crafting Technology for Products and Environements.. London: Thames and Hudson, 2008.
Seligman, Rachel, ed. Fernando Orellana: Recent Work. New York: Union College and Mandeville Gallery, 2008.