Landstream visualizes the flux produced by communication technologies, the invisible signals which cross through us, and of which we are, most of the time, completely unaware. A programme analyses the flux running through a space, and transforms the data into visual information which generates a new kind of abstract landscape. Landstream makes us aware of the increasing electromagnetic pollution around us, caused in particular by the multiplication of waves in our environment.
Invisible Sounds, Netherlands Media Art Institut, Amsterdam, Holland, 2007
ZeroOne: A Global Festival of Art on the Edge, curator Steve Dietz, San Jose (Ca), USA, 2006
LANDSTREAM workshop, San Jose Museum of Art - South Hall / Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA, 2006
Interactive City Summit, The Tech Innovation Museum, San Jose / San Francisco / University of California Berkeley, USA, 2006
Art Press ( N°326), Didier Arnaudet, "Olga Kisseleva, Musée Bonnat", Paris, France, September 2006(pdf) /french/
Press release Standford(pdf) /english/
Press release Musée Bonnat (pdf)/french/
Invisible Sounds, Netherlands Media Art Institut, Amsterdam, Holland, 2007
ZeroOne: A Global Festival of Art on the Edge, curator Steve Dietz, San Jose (Ca), USA, 2006
LANDSTREAM workshop, San Jose Museum of Art - South Hall / Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA, 2006
Interactive City Summit, The Tech Innovation Museum, San Jose / San Francisco / University of California Berkeley, USA, 2006
Art Press ( N°326), Didier Arnaudet, "Olga Kisseleva, Musée Bonnat", Paris, France, September 2006(pdf) /french/
Press release Standford(pdf) /english/
Press release Musée Bonnat (pdf)/french/
Technology & Material
Installation Requirements / Space
paintings, drawings, photographs, measuring instruments, multimedia installation
paintings, drawings, photographs, measuring instruments, multimedia installation
Exhibitions & Events
Groys Boris and Degot Ekaterina and Riff David and Costinas Cosmin. Shockworkers of the Mobile Image - Catalog. Ekaterinburg: 1st Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art, 2010.
Kisseleva, Olga and Oliver Grau. »Theory and Practice of Media Art: Aesthetic Parergons and Perspectives.« In First Post Industrial Contemporary Art Biennale, edited by NCCAEkaterinburg: NCCA, 2010.
Zhukova, Daria and Herve Mikaeloff and Dimitri et. al. Ozerkov. Futurologia. Moscow, Russia: CCC Garage, 2010.
Kisseleva, Olga, ed. Divers fait. Paris: Jannink Editions, 2010.
Kisseleva, Olga. »Still Life as a Dictionary.« In Conference at Art Bruxelles, Brussels: 2010.
Kisseleva, Olga. INTER-ESSAI: Oeuvre en dialogue. Saarbrücken: Editions Universitaires Europeenes, 2010.
Kisseleva, Olga and Elena Sorakina and Natasa Petresin-Bachelez. »Communism´s Afterlives: Part II.« In Proceedings of the Conference Communism's Afterlife, Brussels: The Public School, 2010.
Kisseleva, Olga. »To be here and there: General Relativity and Quantum Physics.« In PLASTK Art and Science 1, Université Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, edited by Olga KisselevaParis: Université de Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2010.