Interactive acoustic sculpture and video
Physical and virtual installation
Act 14 of the "Mécanique des émotions"
Still Moving is an experimental installation consisting of an interactive acoustic sculpture and a realtime video projection. The giant sculpture is 3,5m in diameter and 0.90m high. It is exposed at the entry of the exhibition Ville Européenne des Sciences in the Grand Palais in Paris from 14 to 16 sept. 08 and in the Générateur from 20.11. to 20.12.08.
It is a sculpture made of different materials and shaped like a crumpled ball, deformed by the relief of the planet’s emotions. When the visitors touche it or even lie down onto it, they can feel the inaudible vibrations of the world’s emotional state, steeped in the internet. Like a soundless music the infra-basses try to translate this obscure information, gained from an analysis of the internet news by means of a search engine in 3200 cities all over the world.
On the sculpture a projection is translating this dialogue of the bodies and the emotions of the world into words and colours. The physical contact seems to activate its compulsive reappearance of senses.
Still Moving is going to bet he 14. act of „Mécanique des émotions“, an ensemble of performances, sculptures (the Frozen Feelings), installations, machines and music compositions, which contribute to the hopeless try to carefully translate a world steeped in its media.
The productive collaboration of two laboratories has made the realisation of this piece possible:
In Collaboration with ARTEM (Acronyme d’Arts, Technologie, Management) and CIRTES,
Looking for technicians Maurice Benayoun and the CITU got connected to CIRTES (Centre Français de prototypage rapide, Claude Barlier), which (in St Dié des Vosges, the world’s capital of geography, there are no coincidences) realised the sculpture by means of the innovative technique of fast prototyping (Stratoconception®).
CITU, universities Paris1 and Paris 8.
The following persons have offered their talent and energy to the project:
Paul Girard and Pierre Julian de la Fuente, and the entire team of Citu, Brigit Lichtenegger with V2 (Rotterdam), Claude Barlier, David di Giuseppe, Hugo Ricatte and the team of CIRTES, Oleksandra Yaromova and finally Jean-Baptiste Barrière with his expertise.
Production Paris: Delphine Fabbri-Lawson
Project partners :
The State, the Centre National des arts plastiques du ministère de la culture, Arcadi, Région ile de France, Conseil Régional de Lorraine, Communauté Urbaine du Grand Nancy, Ville de Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, CIRTES, ARTEM and ARTEM Entreprises, INPL/Ecole des Mines de Nancy, GIP-InSIC, Art et Fact Prod
Special thanks to SAD, Claude Mollard, Marion Laporte, Dominique Moulon, Frédéric Maurel and Thomas Froehlicher.
(ad video: Still Moving by Maurice Benayoun
ongoing video editing (so please wait for the final version)
by Olekasandra Yaromova. )
Commande du Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication – CNAP, Maurice Benayoun 2007 -
Still Moving is a coproduction/ codiffusion Arcadi (Action régionale pour la création artistique et la diffusion en Île-de-France