Faced with the occasion to show Points of View 16 years after its creation, it became clear that the restitution of the original hardware and software would be much more difficult than simply reconstructing and reprogramming the complete work on a currently available platform. Almost all the many analog components of the original work have been more efficiently (and reliably) implemented digitally, especially the joystick technology and the audio recordings. On the other hand, the much better performance and resolution of present day graphics technology had to be tuned down to simulate the low resolution and slow frame rate of the Apple II computer on which this work was first created, to maintain its original visual aesthetics.
This reconstruction strategy points to an overall solution to the problem of the long term conservation of computer based artworks. Instead of trying to maintain the original technological configuration (with the ensueing and often insurmountable difficulties of obolescence and high cost), an exact documentation and description of the original work allows it to be reconstructed at any time on the then available hardware/software platforms, so that an exact simulation of the appearance and functionality of the original work can be achieved.