Gaia Third Millenium Triptych

Roman Verostko

Gaia Third Millenium Triptych , ongoing
Co-workers & Funding
  • verostko
    334 × 480
Gaia EVII, 5. 30" by 22", 1995.
Algorithmic pen and ink drawing with artist's studio seal in red. The seal characters read "Little Path Studio" for "Pathway Studio".

Las piezas de la serie “Gaia” son caracterizadas por una fuerte semejanza entre sí y se podrían considerar como un jardín digital criado por el software del artista

Notes on familial resemblance. The software procedure generates a "family" of forms with a strong familial resemblance. This work bears a strong familial resemblance to others in the Gaia series because they were created with the same form generator sharing a common set of parameters. This work demonstrates the similarities between the artist's software and epigenesis. In this instance, somewhat as in a garden, members of the the "family" were "grown" with the artist's software. The text-like characters, derived from the same visual initiators as the central clusters, add to the "self similarity" of the whole. This holds true for works from each series of works such as the Pathway and Hildegarde series of works.
  • subjects
    • Art and Science
      • algorithms
    • Arts and Visual Culture
      • drawings
Technology & Material

Gaia EVII, 5. 30" by 22", 1995.
Algorithmic pen and ink drawing with artist's studio seal in red. The seal characters read "Little Path Studio" for "Pathway Studio".
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