Exercise in Immersion 4

Marnix de Nijs
Source: Marnix de Nijs

de Nijs Marnix

Exercise in Immersion 4 ,
Co-workers & Funding
marnix de nijs
  • Exercise in immersion
    375 × 310
  • Exercise in immersion
    358 × 305
  • Exercise in immersion
    381 × 312
Exercise in Immersion 4 is an ‘art-game’ devised by the Rotterdam media-artist, Marnix de Nijs and further developed in collaboration with V2_lab. His presentation at Deaf 07 saw the 'first public participation trials". Further software refinement will be carried out by V2_lab in the following year.
Together with a specially designed ‘crash-suit’ fitted with headset, EI4 takes place in one of the industrial warehouses in 'Pakhuis Meesteren'. Once the headset is placed in position, the participant is introduced to a combined reality: a cinema-graphic, parallel world where the partition between the real and the surreal is interrelated with the progress of the game itself. Reality will gradually disappear in the ‘pakhuis’ warehouse, but if you crash into one of the pillars, for example, then you will be cast abruptly backwards in the game and towards reality.
  • subjects
    • Art and Science
      • space
    • Arts and Visual Culture
      • expanded cinema
Technology & Material
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