Humanisation et naturalisation des technologies : de l’interactivité aux systèmes enactifs-affectifs

Université de Paris I / Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris
The human-technology relationship opens up a new environment linked to the effects of technologies on our lives and causes an anthropological revolution through the presence of interactive systems that modify our perception of the world. In the last twenty years, daily life is moving more and more towards cyberspace and thanks to the discoveries of computer science, its interfaces and networks, we know other synesthetic effects, resulting from the hybridization of the body and artificial systems. Human practices related to computers and interfaces, as well as their hardware and software, offer us behaviors with biological and emotional aspects. Immersed in the environment of cyberculture, we are faced with an anthropological problem: redesigning the dimension of the body.[…] We are in a process of naturalization of technologies and we must accept their capacity and their ability to modify our lives. This trend is inevitable; people are naturally installing more and more technologies in their habitats. (Diana Domingues)
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