ISEA2000, 10th International Symposium on electronic Art: "Revelation"

ISEA International, Rotterdam
Under the theme of "Revelation", ISEA2000 explored the effects of the technological revolution on art and its impact on society through new forms of representation such as digital imaging, multimedia, the virtuality, interactive installations and networks.ISEA2000 includes:- An international Symposium at the Forum des images from December the 7th to the 10th comprised of papers, panels, institutional and individual presentations, and seminars.- A series of associated artistic events (exhibitions, concerts, dance shows, performances, and electronic theater) throughout the month of December arranged by different organizations and institutions.ISEA2000 is organized by ART3000, which has been involved in new media creation's field for over eleven years. ISEA2000 benefits from the patronage of Madame Catherine Tasca, French Minister of Culture and Communication and is sponsored by La Mission Paris 2000, La Mission pour la Célébration de l'An 2000 and the Council of Europe and the UNESCO.
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