Naturalia et artificialia

ECCENTRIC Art & Research, Milan
ECCENTRIC Art & Research is pleased to present its first exhibition in Milan, opening on October 12, 2016. The exhibition features the work of all its represented artists up-to-date: Ivana Adaime Makac, Jamie Allen, Tomislav Brajnović, Sarah Ciracì, Baptiste Debombourg, Gabriele Di Matteo, Federico Luger, Brian Montuori, Steve Piccolo, Anja Puntari, Axel Straschnoy and Massimiliano Viel. ECCENTRIC is also delighted to have Francesco Jodice as invited artist, courtesy Galleria Michela Rizzo, Venice. Finally, ECCENTRIC announces the launch of its section Minority Report with the artist Carlo Gambirasio.The title of the exhibition is Naturalia et artificialia, both of the categories with which the wonders exhibited in the cabinets of curiosities during the Renaissance were classified.In the context of this exhibition both concepts work as the common thread that brings together the diverse topics addressed by the featured artists and artworks. All of them, in one way or the other, pose questions about issues that have to do either with nature, or with artifice and technology, and often with both. However, isn’t’ this differentiation in itself artificial, and even false? Because there is no nature without artifice—without the artificial filter of culture—nor technology or artifice which doesn’t participate of nature.
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