Processes: The Artist and the Machine. The audiovisual as register and memory in Media Art

MIDECIANT. International Museum of Electrographic Artworks-Center for Innovation in New Media Art, Cuenca, Spain
On the exhibition could be seen for the first time in an open public display, the audiovisuals of the MIDE´s documentary archive, dialoguing with some of its most meaningful tangible artworks from its Electrographic Art Collection. Few audiovisuals that allow reflecting on the concept of process which revolutionized artistic creation when automatic electrographic machine appeared in the 60s, admitting the process to cease being an irremediable way towards the final artistic object to become research-creation. The process itself is methodology for creative practice that the artist uses, firstly to know the machine and its boundaries by subverting the rules of a device created for office purposes and non-artistic ones. And then, to learn and evaluate, according to the trial and error mode, anticipating actions which will enable new paths to be followed in the artistic process and providing a climate of theoretical reflection. This theoretical climate was going to advocate, in advance, the features and the new paradigms introduced by artworks created, later, with the technologies of Media Art.
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