European Media Art Festival 2007: 20 Years of Being Confused

EMAF-European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück
To mark its 20th anniversary, the congress part of EMAF called "D-Fluxx" presented not only a kind of inventory entitled "Media Art History", but also a definition of the current position of Media Art.The film programme focused on the Cuban programme called "Moving Fast", funded by the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (IfA), and the special "Viva Mexico!", which portrayed the developments of Mexico’s independent film, media and art scene. EMAF welcomed filmmakers Malcolm Le Grice, Birgit Hein and Lynn Hershman Leeson to the festival this year. They put together a programme for the retrospective, including works by Andy Warhol, Shelly Silver and Peter Gidal.This year, the exhibition entitled "Final Cut – Media Art And Cinema" took an artistic look at the dream machine Cinema. The title "Final Cut" stood for the personal authority of independent artists who, unlike commercially-oriented film producers, retain their freedom and the right to the final cut."20 years of EMAF: this was and is the reflection of the zeitgeist, the presentation of artistic quality and an invitation to the audience to discover something new," stated Alfred Rotert of the Festival Management.
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