Euoprean Media Art Festival 2002: New Images - New Storie. Art in Modern Media.

EMAF-European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück
Virtual actor or: how real is reality? The congress at EMAF 2002 explored films in which avatars (characters created on the computer) or "human" actors rather than real human beings act in virtual environments. This topic was reflected also in some of the film programmes.The Festival’s exhibition entitled "It. The nature of machine" presented robotic and machine art by Louis-Philippe Demers and Bill Vorn from Montreal/Canada. In the cinematic area, the festival focused on the media scene in Asia, and particularly in China and Korea. The retrospective screened the oeuvre of Canadian artist Al Razutis, whose works range from experimental film to media theoretical texts. He has been working with 3D videos since the beginning of the 1990s.
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