Euoprean Media Art Festival 2001: Inside/Outside

EMAF-European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück
EMAF 2001 offered an examination of the present, increasingly dominated by information and media technologies that varied between play and reflexion. During the festival both the virtually endless possibilities of new aesthetic styles of composition and the risks associated with the electronic "Big Brother" were demonstrated. In their works, artists used the internet, DVDs and CD-ROMs, as well as multimedia installations. The congress partially reflected this topic, focusing on self-staging in art, media and everyday culture. In addition, a multimedia special explored the latest projects from the areas of streaming media and online film.Canadian film avant-gardist David Rimmer was presented in the retrospective. In addition, two specials were included in the film programme, entitled "New Japanese Cinema" and the programme "International Clip Cult".At the "Electronic Lounge" the festival presented a CD-ROM gallery and interesting sites on the internet.
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