European Media Art Festival 1995: Art and Body

EMAF-European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück
"Art and Body" was the general topic of EMAF 1995. Many artists had chosen the human body to be the focal point of their projects, and they also brought up the question of the influence the expansion of interactive media has on the individual. The festival programme invited visitors on a visual journey from the beginnings of cinematic avant-garde to the future of cybernautics in the worldwide village.A special project presented by EMAF to this end was "Comenius", the world’s first project that used glass fibre to network schools with one another and with a data centre. A showcase with films by Andy Warhol, produced in the famous "Factory" in New York, was also included in this year’s festival programme.Cologne-based NCC Cultur Concept GmbH coorganised EMAF 1995.
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