FILE - Electronic Language International Festival 2002

FILE - Electronic Language International Festival, Sao Paulo
In the FILE 2002 - electronic language international festival are exposed hundreds of interactive works. Most of them are online works, web art, net art, VRML, hypertexts, artificial intelligence, simulations and others. To see the 2002 works you can click at "FILE 2002" link at the main menu and choose "selected artists" or "invited artists" hyperlinks.The users will also be able to have access to the previous festivals by clicking at "ARCHIVE" where it can reach the works that were exhibited in the FILE 2000 and FILE 2001.Choosing "FILE SYMPOSIUM 2002" the user can have access to the theoretical and conceptual contents presented at the FILE SYMPOSIUM 2002 event.The FILE 2002 is also launching the entitled book "Internet Art Digital Culture" that gathers about 500 digital works images and also a reflection on digital culture. More details about the book can be seeing by clicking at "BOOK ABOUT THE FILE FESTIVAL" link at the main menu of the FILE 2002 website
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