Microwave International New Media Arts Festival 2003

Videotage, Hong Kong
Microwave Media Art Festival 2003 - Hong Kong The "Microwave International Media Art Festival" is an international festival in HONG KONG, which aims to promote cultural exchange and appreciation of new media art. MIMFA - the annual video art event in Hong Kong, is bringing in lots of new media art works, spanning the boundary between art and technology. MIMAF presents a multi-facet programme that includes interactive media art installation exhibition, net art exhibition, seminars and forum on media art development, musical as well as the screenings on international video and artist-in-residence workshops. Bombarded by the explosion of new digital technology, how to combine art and technology becomes the hottest issue in today's art world. With an aim of promoting cultural exchange and enhance appreciation of new media art, the MIMAF brings in a lot of creative works allowing participants to immerge into the virtual space and experience the electronic occupation of art and architecture. The works will also serve to raise questions on how new technologies potentially change our modes of perception, representation and identification
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