Media Forum 2006

MediaArtLab, Moscow
During preparation to this year MEDIA FORUM Alexey Isaev (1960-2006), our ideological leader and theoretician, died. This tragedy brought us to two immanent conclusions: • dedicate MEDIA FORUM 2006 to Alexey Isaev memory; • select as a theme for the Media Forum Auto(Ritarnost) because this was his last will. Media-artist by the very order of things is placed in the state of auto(rhetarian) author. First, as artistic personality generating its significant discourse, its self rhetoric. He automatically places itself in opposition to totality – to its material, to the viewer, to the society, to the critic, to the power, to the temporality, and to the space. Authorizing his conception he wins the fight with the context. Only charismatic, autonomous, despotic rhetoric rips the emptiness of distrust, indifference, apathy. To establish his authority and accomplish the influence of art the author glows with will, forth, self-esteem, pretension; under this aegis he storm the heaven, shoot forward in a deep avant-garde. Only ambitious will be taken to the future (Victor Misiano). Secondly, he joined with the tentacles of the power, i.e. with media. He manipulate with its manipulators. Media is rhetoric in itself; without authority of the author it escapes the grasp. Artist which rules them by the iron hand doubles authority, i.e. produce art. The theme of the authority of media is as old as first experiments of ‘guerilla video’ of the 60-s but it haven’t lost its actuality. The power reactualizes it again and again. Now is quite obvious that without total antagonism and authority of artist it’s not possible interaction with unlimited.
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