10th Dortmund International Film Festival

femme totale, Dortmund
femme totale's main task is to showcase the work of women film directors but we also put the spotlight on other cinematic aspects — camera technique, film composition and scenery. What makes the festival so special, though, is the film programme zooming in on the selected theme. The festival theme 2005: MONEY "You've either got it or you haven't but you never talk about it" was a once rather snobbish saying coined by those who could afford it. Today, an inflation of phrases such as "empty coffers" and "tighten-our-belts-again" is on everyone's lips. Courses rise and fall. Hard currencies collapse. Cash flows. Money rains. Cash trickles away in the guise of budget deficits. Yet is difficult to dam and clearly more fleeting than solid. The monetary transactions carried out by global players no longer recognise any borders. Borders which, by contrast, remain closed to many people. Where does money end up? Who's got it and who hasn't? What will people do to get it? And what do they do with it once they've got it? Aren't there any utopias any more? We proudly present a series of current and vintage films made by women on this very topic. Not least, of course, we are interested in production conditions for women working in the film industry in Germany and elsewhere. And we are also interested in the self-reflective question: how in future will the festival position itself in a climate shaped by event fever there and saving cuts here? We welcome the submission of feature films, documentaries and experimentals. Closing date for registration is 30th November 2004. (Content: femmetotale.de)
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