Tamas Waliczky


Tamas Waliczky was born in 1959 in Budapest. New media artist. Lives in Budapest, Hong Kong and Vienna. He started making animations at the age of nine. He then worked as a painter, illustrator and photographer. He started working with computers in 1983. In 1992, he was a resident artist at the ZKM Visual Media Institute, then a member of the Institute's research group (1993-1997). IAMAS in Gifu, Japan chose Waliczky as artist-in-residence in 1998-99.

Waliczky has been working with his partner, Anna Szepesi, since the early eighties. Anna is usually an art consultant in most of her works.

His works have won many international awards, including the Golden Nica of the Prix Ars Electronica in Linz, and have been exhibited worldwide, including the Lyon Biennale, the Tokyo ICC Gallery, the Multimediale Karlsruhe or the Seville Biennale. His works can be found in various public collections, such as the Center Georges Pompidou Paris, the Museum of Photographic Art in Tokyo or the Ludwig Museum in Budapest. Tamas Waliczky was chosen to represent Hungary at the 2019 Fifty-eighth Venice Biennale.

He taught at several universities; Fine art Academy, Budapest (1990-1992), HBK Saar, Saarbrucken (1997-2002 and 2005-2010), Fachhochschule Mainz (2003-2005), School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. (2010-2024).

Visiting Professor at School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. One of his "Puppet and Gravity" prints was donated by Ani Molnár Gallery to Bátor Tábor, which supports children with chronic illness and their families. His animation "Swinging in the Garden" was screened at Nuit Blanche 2024, Europa Expérience, Paris. A new computer animation installation is finished, called "Free Fall (In Memoriam P. F.)".

Visiting Professor at School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. Take part in “Expect the Unexpected | Aktuelle Konzepte für Fotografie” exhibition in Kunstmuseum, Bonn, Germany. Also takes part in ARCOmadrid Art Fair in Madrid, Spain and Kick Cancer Collection at the 39th Art Brussels with Ani Molnar Gallery, "Illusions" exhibition, m21 Gallery, LOKART Festival, Zsolnay Cultural Quarter, Pecs, Hungary and "Puppet and Gravity" solo exhibition at Ani Molnar Gallery. Finished a new computer animation installation, called "Vision on Mong Kok East Footbridge".

Visiting Professor at School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. Speaker at Animators’ Round table Forum: Hong Kong Animation, Zoom Webinar. Two new computer animation installations "Self Portrait with Food" and "Sunlight in Mong Kok Viewed from My Window" are finished. Take part in "Reinventing Image-Making" exhibition at Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Japan and Art Market Budapest (with Ani Molnar Gallery), Hungary. Jury member of IFVA festival Hong Kong in VR category.

Solo exhibition at Saarländisches Künstlerhaus, Germany. Participating at Chengdou Biennale, China, "How to Win at Photography - Image-Making as Play" exhibition at Fotomuseum Winterthur, and Art Brussels online exhibition on Artsy with Ani Molnar Gallery. Jury member of Experimental Film/Video/Essay Competition Hong Kong, IFVA Festival Hong Kong in Media Art Category, and KAF, Kecskemét Animation Film Festival XV in the Hungarian Competition category. Moderator at "Page Around" Experimental Animated Shorts Screening and Ars Electronica 2021 Garden Hong Kong | Art In The Cloud. Three new computer animation installations ("Swinging in the Garden", "View on Shek Kip Mei Park" and "Tsim Sha Tsui Seaside Trees") are finished. Visiting Professor at School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong.

Solo exhibition at Ludwig Museum Budapest. Selected into the "50 Most Influential Hungarian Artists" list of Műértő (Connoisseur) magazine. Left City University of Hong Kong and moved back to Europe. A new computer animation installation is finished, called "Puppet and Gravity".

Has got "Prima" prize in Hungarian Fine Art Category at Prima Primissima 2019. Jury member of IFVA Festival in Media Art Category and Art Asia Awards Open Call, organized by Niio - art for a digital age. Take part in "Exit Strategies" exhibition at H Queen's, Hong Kong and represents Hungary at the 58th Venice Biennale.

Jury member of IFVA Festival, Hong Kong and SOPA (The Society of Publishers in Asia) Awards 2018. "Cameras" solo exhibition at L3 Gallery, Creative Media Centre, City University of Hong Kong. Osage Gallery presents Waliczky's "Cameras" exhibition at Photo Macau Art Fair. Solo exhibitions at Ani Molnar Gallery, Budapest and Lumenvisum Gallery, Hong Kong.Tamas Waliczky has been selected to represent Hungary at the Fifty-Eighth Venice Biennale, 2019.

Jury member of 3rdCulture Film Festival 2017 and SOPA (The Society of Publishers in Asia) Awards 2017. Represented by Ani Molnár Gallery.

Jury member of ISEA 2016, Hong Kong, Cultural R>Evolution, SOPA (The Society of Publishers in Asia) Awards 2016 and SIGGRAPH Asia 2016.

Jury member of IFVA Festival, Hong Kong. Two new interactive installations are finished in the new (GRF) version of "Homes" project and exhibited together with photos at Lumenvisum Gallery, Hong Kong.

"Reflections" video installation is finished. "Micromovements in Snapshots" video installation is finished and presented at Animamix Biennale "This Slow - That Fast" exhibition. Chairman of the jury of the <19 Freestyle Computing competition, C3 Budapest.

"Wheels" real-time simulation installation is finished. "Adventures of Tom Tomiczky" is screened as the opening film of the 18th ifva festival. Also jury member of the same festival. "Dance with the interval" solo exhibition at Goethe Institut Hongkong. Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest confers Waliczky the title of honorary professor.

"Homes" interactive installation is finished. Jury member of IFVA Festival, Hong Kong.

"Adventures of Tom Tomiczky" (41 minutes long computer animation) is finished and has the world premiere in the Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre Grand Opening Festival The HD version of "The Fisherman and his wife" is finished. Starts two new installation projects ("Wheels" and "Homes") with the Start Up Grant of City University of Hong Kong.

Starts to work as professor at School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong.

Jury member of "Zebra poetry film festival", Berlin.

"Marionettes" installation version is finished. Yearly financial support (2007-2010) of MMK (Motion Picture Public Foundation of Hungary) for the preparations of a new computer animation, called "Adventures of Tom Tomiczky". "Marionettes" is acquired by Katalin Spengler and Zsolt Somloi, art collectors.

"Marionettes" (computer animation) is finished.

Full time professor at HBK Saar, Saarbrücken. "Self-portrait" (interactive online artwork) is finished. Retrospective exhibition at Pixel Gallery, Millenáris Park, Budapest.

Starts to work as professor at IMG, Fachhochschule Mainz, Germany. Finalist for 2003's World Technology Award for Arts. The "Animation number seven" (interactive online artwork) and the installation version of "Aquarelle 2000" are ready. The Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne acquires 4 of his works.

Artintact DVD with the cd-rom version of "The forest" is published. The "Ansichtskarte / pseudo-perspective study", "Amphora / nude study" , "Color Study" , "Annamaria's motion in time" , "Children's game" (interactive online artworks) are completed. Solo exhibition at C3 center, Budapest.

"The fisherman and his wife" (computer animation) won the first prize in video art category at Asolo Film festival, Asolo. The "Time/space (Sculptures)" installation was exhibited at the Milano Europa 2000 exhibition, and was selected into the best 10 artworks by the public.

"The fisherman and his wife" (computer animation) is completed and won the first prize in animation category at Mediawave festival, Györ. "Aquarelle 2000" (cd-rom) is completed. He was selected by the BT monthly art magazine, Tokyo into the "20th Century Art Matrix", as one of the most interesting artist of the 20th century.

"The fisherman and his wife" and the new version of "Focus" at IAMAS, Japan. Jury member of International Net Award, Saarbrucken.

"Focus" (interactive computer installation) is completed, and also it's cd-rom version under the title "Focusing" is published in the ZKM Digital Arts Edition series, by ZKM and Cantz. "Landscape" won Award of distinction and "Focus" won Honorary Mention at Prix Ars Electronica festival, Linz. IAMAS (International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences), Ogaki, Japan has selected Waliczky as artist-in-residence 1998/99. Solo exhibition at Leeds Metropolitan University Galley, Leeds.

Starts to work as guest professor at Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar, Saarbrücken, Germany. "Landscape" (computer animation) is completed. Jury member of WRO '97 festival, Poland. "Sculptures" (computer animation) is completed and performed as a part of Mesias Maiguashca´s opera "The Enemies" during the Multimediale 5 exhibition in Karlsruhe, Germany. Artist in residence at Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe. Taken part in the theatrical performance "Lenz", produced by TourBÜHNE.

Solo exhibition at ICC Gallery in Tokyo. Board member of Soros Foundation's C3 center (Center for Culture and Communication) in Budapest, Hungary.

"The Forest" interactive CD-ROM version for the Artintact 2 interactive magazine, and "Asylsymphony" (computer animation for Bojidar Spassow's music piece) are completed. Taken part in MULTIMEDIALE 4, Karlsruhe and the 3rd. Biennale of Lyon.

Employed by Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe. "Der Wald" won Honorary Mention in Animation Category of Prix Ars Electronica and the Jury's Special Price of Locarno VideoArt Festival. "The Garden" won the main prize of Electronie d'Arte e Altre Scritture Festival. "The Way" (computer animation installation) is completed.

Taken part in MULTIMEDIALE 3, Karlsruhe with his retrospective and with "The Forest" interactive flight simulation platform application. (Common work with Sebastian Egner and Jeffrey Shaw.) "The Garden", the "Studies for The Garden" and "Der Wald" (computer animations) are completed. The "Studies for The Garden" is selected for the SIGGRAPH Electronic Theatre. "The Garden" won Special prize of the Wro '93 Festival. Jury member of the IMAGINA Festival, Monte Carlo.

Invited by Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe to complete "The Garden" computer animation, during a year long artist-in-residency. Live performance of "Conversation" at SZKÉNÉ Theatre, Budapest.

Co-Director of the Wallada Bioscop Ltd. Live performance of "Conversation" in Étampes. The "Memory of Moholy-Nagy" is selected for the SIGGRAPH Electronic Theatre and won the World Graph Prize of Locarno Videoart Festival and the Festival Prize of Berlin International Animation Festival.

Director of Novotrade Computer Graphic Studio. A month long grant in the AII ENSAD Studio, Paris with the grant of the CNAP. Lectured in the IMAGINA Festival. "Memory of Moholy-Nagy" (computer animation) is completed. "Conversation" (Audio-visual performance) is completed, and won Honorary Mention in Interactive Category of Prix Ars Electronica, Linz. Professor at the Intermedia Department of the Fine art Academy, Budapest (1990-1992).

Co-Founder of Novotrade CG Studio. Concepted "The Manifesto of Computer Art". "Machines" (computer graphic series) is completed. "Gramophone" (from the "Machines" series) won first Prize (Golden Nica) in Computer Graphic Category of Prix Ars Electronica, Linz.

Employee of Novotrade Software Studio, Budapest as graphic designer. Started working for Halas & Batchelor Co., London as computer animator. "Pictures" and "Is there any room for me here?" (computer animations) are completed. "Pictures" won the first and "Is there any room for me here" the second Prize of P.L.E.I.A.S. Festival, Paris. "Pictures" won also Honorary Mention in Animation Category of Prix Ars Electronica, Linz.

Illustrations for the book of László Márton, called "Menedék" (Asylum). This is Waliczky's first published artwork.

Employee of Caesar CG Studio, Budapest as computer-game graphic designer. Started making computer graphics and computer animated sequences. "Human Motions (Computer Mobiles)" are completed.

Made films, slide-shows and oil paintings. Photographic exhibitions in Wien with Peter Kozma and in Nancy with György Pálos, László Lugosi-Lugo and Aliona Frankl.

Employee of Pannonia Cartoon Film Studio, Budapest as animator assistant. Took part in two feature-long cartoon films.

Private studies in drawing and painting.

Started to make animated cartoon films and comics, at the age of nine.
Tamás Waliczky | Imaginary Cameras | Hungarian Pavilion | Biennale Arte 2019 | Venice, Italy

Hungarian Pavilion at Biennale Arte 2019 |

11 May > 24 November 2019 |

National Commissioner: Julia Fabényi, Director of Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art |

Curated by Zsuzsanna Szegedy-Maszák |

Opening speech by Jeffrey Shaw, new media artist |

Opening: 11:30 am on Thursday, 9 May 2019 |

Artist’s assistant: Anna Szepesi |

Co-authors of the Interactive installation with two cameras: Zoltán Szegedy-Maszák, Márton Fernezelyi |

Graphic Design: Gábor Palotai Design |

Project coordination: Géza Boros, Anna Bálványos, Zsigmond Lakó

Communication: Zsuzsanna Fehér, Gabriella Rothman |

Supported by Hungarian Ministry of Human Capacities |

The Artist is represented by Ani Molnár Gallery, Budapest |

The Artist is collaborating artist with Osage Gallery, Hong Kong |

Special thanks:

School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong

"TIMEBASE | Time-Based Media in Contemporary Art" exhibition at New Budapest Gallery, Budapest, Hungary | http://budapestgaleria.hu/uj/?lang=en |

5 December 2015 – 20 March 2016 |

Opening: 4 December 2015 (Friday) 7 pm to 9:30 pm |


Curator of the exhibition:



Exhibiting artists:

Anna BARNAFÖLDI | Ferenc GRÓF (Société Réaliste) | Judit KIS | Tamás KOMORÓCZKY | Dóra MAURER | Viktória MOHNOR | Hajnal NÉMETH | Mária RIGÓ’s traditional filmmaking course – HUFA Intermedia (Rita FARKAS | Zsófia HORVÁTH | Ildikó HUSZÁR | Zsuzsa KEMÉNY | Antal KIS | Roland KORPONOVICS | Gábor KRISTÓF | Hajnalka TULISZ) | László László RÉVÉSZ | Zoltán SZEGEDY-MASZÁK – Márton FERNEZELYI | Tibor SZEMZO | Loránd SZÉCSÉNYI-NAGY | János SZIRTES | József SZOLNOKI | Csaba VÁNDOR | Tamás WALICZKY

Tamas Waliczky: "Homes" exhibition in Lumenvisum Gallery, Hong Kong

Exhibition period: 16 October to 29 November, 2015 | Opening Hours: 11 am - 6 pm Tuesday to Sunday, (Closed on Mondays and Public Holidays) | Venue: Lumenvisum L2-10, JCCAC, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong | Artist’s Sharing: Saturday, 31st October, 2015, 3-4.30 pm. | Project Investigator: Tamás Waliczky | Idea and concept: Anna Szepesi and Tamás Waliczky | Artistic Supervisor: Anna Szepesi | Co-Investigator: Jane Prophet | Photography: Tamás Waliczky, Tong Yee Tak, Anna Szepesi | 3D models and texture map: Tong Yee Tak, Li Danwudan, Man Chun Yip, Chen Xinyi, Zhang Zinan | The project was supported by: General Research Fund (GRF), Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong , Drs Richard Charles & Esther Yewpick Lee Charitable Foundation, City University of Hong Kong

Tamas Waliczky: "Homes" exhibition in Lumenvisum Gallery, Hong Kong
"Adventures of Tom Tomiczky" video is available on Vimeo On Demand

Tamas Waliczky's "Adventures of Tom Tomiczky" computer animation is available on Vimeo On Demand: vimeo.com/ondemand/tomiczky

"Adventures of Tom Tomiczky" video is available on Vimeo On Demand
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