Solimán López

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BA in Art History and MA in Arts and Communication, is carrying out his artistic activity by continuously crossing the thin line between intangible and tangible, focusing on the idea of non digital identity, the erosion of an overloaded information onto social strata, the instant overexposure of privacy within our social context or the memory behavior in the 21st century. All this connected with the use of new technologies as a way of approach, disguising and a channel of communication with the viewer and with oneself.
At present, in addition to his artistic work, Solimán López is director of ESAT LAB (R&D Laboratory – ESAT, Escuela Superior de Arte y Tecnología)) and carries out teaching tasks on visual arts and media art.

Mesa Redonda IVAM. ANT exhibition

Solimán will be talking about his work in the IVAM (Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno)

Mesa Redonda IVAM. ANT exhibition
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