Bernardo Villar

Profile Picture
Currently based
Madrid, Spain
Affiliated institution

Fundador y director de y Daft Gallery. Sociólogo especializado en la relación entre el arte y las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación 2.0. es una iniciativa independiente para promover y apoyar el Net.Art y el Arte Digital. Periodicamente organiza convocatorias artisticas de y Arte Digital en red 2.0.

2016 Founder Daft Gallery

2008 - 2014 / Ha realizado varias ponencias en torno al arte y las redes 2.0 en instituciones como:
-CAAC | Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo. Sevilla
-MUSAC | Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León.
-ETOPIA | Centro de Arte y Tecnología. Zaragoza
-MUSEO DA2. Salamanca
-IV Encuentro RED de Estudios de la CIENCIA y la TECNOLOGÍA.
-Universidad de Salamanca ha recibido el MOBILE Award 2014 otorgado por TRANSCULTURES Belgium
a la mejor exposición online 2014 por,
dentro de Mons 2015, Capitale Européenne de la Culture

Así mismo ha sido nominada a
"Mejor proyecto curatorial en espacios privados" | Reconocimientos del Arte Contemporáneo 2103
organizados por el IAC en el Museo Reina Sofía
@MNCARS Museo Reina Sofía ha sido incluido entre los recursos de MONEYlab
organizado por el Institute of Network Cultures de Amsterdam en Holanda

La exposición ha sido referenciada de manera amplia en prensa internacional,
tanto especializada como no especializada, entre ellos:

-Curating YouTube
-El Pais
-The Creators Project VICE | INTEL
-Metropolis M
-Prosthetic Knownledge
-The Collector Tribune

También ha colaborado con la Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano de Bogotá | Colombia
en la publicación "Tarjeta de Memoria / Memory Card. Ensayos sobre fotografía contemporánea”
con su texto:
"Flujos comunicativos cotidianos como experiencia artística. Fotografía digital y redes 2.0"

En la actualidad M0us310n está preparando su próxima exposición colectiva de Arte Digital y
Daft Gallery is online

Daft Gallery believes in the strength and the potential of anonymous artists. We are therefore deeply committed to the growth and development of this kind of artists, and through a market oriented approach and promotion internationally.

Daft Gallery supports and represents anonymous artists whom, in their work, remain true to their convictions and their ideals. We are the intermediary between artist and client and place equal value on the interests of both parties. As gallery we offer the artists a professional and stable basis which serves as a solid foundation for the development of their careers. We support not only the development of the artist, but also the development of the art market, since ultimately this benefits the artist as well as the client. It is after of great interest to the client, when the artist he or she has invested in, is capable of growing professionally. This process is also particularly well served when the number of collectors of Post-Internet Art increases. Our international goal is to increasingly present and promote anonymous artists.

Daft Gallery is online
Inside the | Special Edition

When Inside the White Cube first appeared in Artforum in 1976, its impact was immediate. Without a doubt, O'Doherty was the first to explicitly confront a particular crisis in postwar art as he sought to examine the assumptions on which the modern commercial and museum gallery was based.


Concerned with the complex and sophisticated relationship between economics, social context, and aesthetics as represented in the contested space of the art gallery, he raises the question of how artists must construe their work in relation to the gallery space and system.


But, what happens nowadays when this relationship takes place between the post-modern commercial and museum gallery and Digital Art?


Despite the fact that both Digital Art and have the ability to dissolve this dependence, does it seem that it still survives as a decisive factor in their future development, and social reception?


Furthermore, what can Digital Art & do inside the White Cube?


Taking this into account, Inside the | An Exhibition Online Gallery seeks for digital works that deal with a wide range of issues in connection with this theme by taking the Virtual Whit3 Cube as an essential part of the submitted piece.





Inside the | An Exhibition Online Gallery

a new project of

*concept & curatorship: Bernardo Villar



DEADLINE_ 30/11/2014

Inside the | Special Edition

M0N3Y AS AN 3RRROR - MON3Y.US proposes to establish new insights into the contemporary art scene around the general topic of MONEY. Around 70 international artists selected with various aesthetic and conceptual approaches.


The Call is produced as a "Happening 2.0" in which we include the work of all participants. About 200 in total. Also we incorporated works by artists outside of the call, who previously had working about MONEY because we were thinking that these artists would improve the quality of the exhibition.


The theme of MONEY was chosen for its ubiquitous nature by an anonymous identity, a online curator who used the name of a famous Russian sniper of World War II: Vasily Zaitsev, a man that could not be seen and acted afar.

Exhibitions & Events