T Brooks

Profile Picture
Currently based
Affiliated institution
Aalborg University

My bodies of investigative works, primary titled overall as SoundScapes and ArtAbilitation, sits between researching cross-informing art (interactive multimedia installations e.g. MoMA and performance art using invisible sensing technologies of various profiles) and (re)habilitation (interventions based on creating idiosyncratic interactive personal space, from the same bespoke sensors, where gesture control of content motivates participation via creative expression and playful activities). The alternative concept supplements traditional intervention from where embodied interaction has resulted 'in-action' and 'on-action' models developed closely linked to the art. Art in this context is process versus product - yet participants with physical impairment create art-related tangible/non-tangible outputs and themselves can be considered as an outcome through nuance of self-microdevelopment. International and national evaluators have stated the work as unique, revolutionary, and innovative with reviewers depicting it as biofeedback and a 'whole new approach to treatment'.
The research and applied field work are cross-informing across both fields such that ongoing positioning argues the work pertinent to both fields despite many doubters. Rather then 'what is art' the research investigates 'why it's art'. Conceived in the 1980s and applied mostly in 1990s, perspectives of the work has been adopted as sensors have become more affordable and pervasive (through cameras and computers alongside games).
Acknowledged as a "great artist" (1), and third culture thinker (2), and referred to as “a world pioneer in digital media”(3), Dr Anthony (aka Tony) Brooks, under Aalborg University in Denmark, is an Associate Professor and was director of the SensoramaLab; a facility exploring Virtual Reality; e-health; HCI and Entertainment Experiences via Human Behaviour Analysis; Interaction Design; Computers in Entertainment; Serious Games/Gamification; Ludic Engagement Designs for All (LEDA); Play, Learning and Innovation. He is also a leading light of the hugely successful Medialogy education, being the sole surviving employed member of the original founding team.
Appointed by the European Commission (Brussels/Luxembourg), Brooks is EU expert examiner, rapporteur, and panel reviewer of funded projects under Future Emerging Technologies (FP6 / FP7) and Horizon 2020 calls. Additionally, he is reviewer for the Council for the Humanities of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), e-health innovations by SMEs, and The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), UK. Brooks is IFIP - (UNESCO) Danish Representative (International Federation for Information Processing) and European Alliance for Innovation Chair of the Wellness SIB Market and society activity. He is also active in the European Alliance for Innovation (EAI); CREATE-NET; E-Health council; steering person of the ArtsIT international conference, and active on numerous boards and committees. His research transcends traditional individual disciplines, which has resulted in a long list of global keynote speaker credits at major events. His research has been responsible for contemporary national (DK) and international (EU) projects. It has also resulted in patents, creative industry initiatives (SMEs) and commercial products. National and International awards have been awarded for his contribution. Digital media works have been presented at major events including at two Olympic/Paralympic Games Cultural Events (1996/2000); numerous European City of Culture; The Danish NeWave New York (1999); numerous Museum of Modern Art exhibitions; and many more.
Over 200 peer-reviewed publications contribute to his growing body of work which include a number of books relating how ICT, entertainment, creative expression, play and fun are increasingly meaningful implemented alongside serious games/gamification and robotic device scenarios where healthcare, learning, wellbeing and quality of life issues are in foci. His work targets societal impact and benefit in respect of future demographics and service industries through applied ICT and optimized motivation of use through inclusive intervention strategies. Emergent intervention models have resulted from his research. Exemplifying impact of his art-based computer feedback training concept (see patent 4) via system resulting from his research in healthcare is a third-party randomized intervention study with frail elderly patients targeting balance where results indicate "the computer feed-back training group showed a marked improvement that was up to 400% in the training specific performance/Clinical Rehabilitation Impact." (5).
1 Haller, M & Liang, R. (2007) The International Journal of Virtual Reality, 2007, 6(1):p. 84
2 Brockman, J. (1991) http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture
3 Williams, C. (2013) The latest on human computer interaction and special needs (TESconnect magazine 7th August) http://community.tes.co.uk/
4 US Patent US6893407B1 (2005 [app 2000]) Communication method and apparatus, https://patents.google.com/patent/US6893407
5 Hagedorn, D.K., & Holm, E, (2010) Effects of traditional physical training and visual computer feedback training in frail elderly patients. A randomized intervention study.

Associate Professor Educator researcher Aalborg University, Denmark (1) Medialogy education (under CREATE) [+ founding team member] (2) 'Art & Technology' education - founder of the SensoramaLab VR, Interaction, Human behaviour research complex (Art, Games, Healthcare). Section leader, Coordinator, Supervisor, Lecturer...

UNESCO / International Federation for Information Processing – Europe (IFIP) TC14 Danish country representative:
WG 14.7 – Art and Entertainment
WG 14.8 – Serious Games
WG 14.9 – Game Accessibility

European Alliance for Innovation [EAI] Vice-Chair Market Trends and Society

Ongoing steering chair for the international conference ArtsIT under the European Alliance for Innovation (EAI.EU)

Activities/positions (selected):
• 2006-ongoing: European Union Expert Assessor FP6, FP7 - IST Future and emerging technologies (FET) & Horizon 2020 calls
• 2006-2009: European Commission appointed Expert Panel Reviewer in respect of the specific FP6 project Presenccia - Presence: Research Encompassing Sensory Enhancement, Neuroscience, Cerebral-Computer Interfaces and Applications. An Integrated Project funded under the European Sixth Framework Program, Future and Emerging Technologies (FET), IST-2004-2.3.4 - FET Proactive Initiatives ; Contract Number 27731. Total funding EUR 7468408
• 2005–ongoing: Expert reviewer for numerous international foundations – e.g. EPSRC: the Engineering and Physical, Sciences Research Council, U.K.
• International conference/congress/symposium/festival chair (various): e.g. ICDVRAT2006; ICAT2007; ArtAbilitation 2007, 2008; Ludic Engagement Designs for All (LEDA 2007); DigArt Symposium 2008; Art, BraIn & Languages 2008; ArtsIT 2011, 2014, 2016.
• 1996–2003: Coordination board member for The European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces (i3net). EU’s long-term research initiative to develop intelligent information interfaces.

Invited External Professor
• Xerox European Headquarters, Grenoble, France 2004
• CSaLT (Centre for Schooling and Learning Technologies), Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia 2007
• Indian National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad, India (an autonomous body under the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, government of India) 2007.
• Entertainment Research Center, Mixed Reality Lab (MXR Lab) & Singapore Computer Society, National University of Singapore 2007
• Danish Technological Institute, Aarhus, Denmark 2012
• Mathematics and Computer Science Department of the Balearic Islands University, May 2016.

Project management (selected):
• University laboratory (SensoramaLab) complex projects (approx. €7M)
• Collaboration with Centre for Design, Learning & Innovation (DLI) – various projects.
• HUMANICS: Co-managed with director of Centre for Rehabilitation of Brain Injury, University of Copenhagen. A Danish government funded project based upon own research (approx. 2M Euros)
• EU CAREHERE (Framework V IST Key Action 1 supporting the program for Applications Relating to Persons with Special Needs Including the Disabled and Elderly) 2000-2002. A project originating from own research – funded by EU (approx. 2M Euros).
• EU Future Probe: Twi-Aysi (The World Is As You See It): A European Community i3 program of technology research funded by The European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces 1999-2000. A project originating from own research – funded by EU – led to CAREHERE.

Master classes: International only (selected)
• Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto, Portugal 2005
• TIMM 2011: Transmedia International Masterclass Marseille, France
• University of Lisbon: UT Austin USA and Portugal International Collaborators for Emerging Technologies, CoLab 2013.
• Numediart Institute for Creative Technology at UMONS, Belgium - CUTE2015: Control from Non-Control: Digital Media Plasticity - Human Performance Plasticity
Numerous plenary keynote speaker credits across fields: including [1] 16th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence ICAT’2006, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, P.R.China [2] ArtsIT 2011, Aalborg, Denmark, [3] AIRtech 2011: Accessibility, Inclusion and Rehabilitation using Information Technologies, La Havana, Cuba [4] Third Annual Aalborg Symposium on The Advances in Neurophysiology and Neural Rehabilitation Engineering of Movement, Aalborg, Denmark [5] 6th Interactive Technologies and Games (ITAG) Conference 2013 (Health, Disability and Education) ITAG’13, Nottingham, United Kingdom [6] 5th International Conference on Internet Technologies & Applications (ITA2013), Wrexham, Wales, UK [7] 7th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment (Intetain 2015) [8] REHAB2015, Lisbon, Portugal [9] 8th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications - VS-Games 2016, Barcelona, Spain [10] 14th International Conference on e-Society 2016, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal [11] HEARTS OF STEM - INCLUSIVE CREATIVITY: DIGITAL PRACTICES, Ulster University, Derry, Northern Ireland [12] Smart Digital Futures Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal
e.g. http://amsta-17.kesinternational.org/keynotespeakers.php#speaker1

Academic awards and honours:
• International: EUREKA (the intergovernmental organization for market-driven industrial R&D) Stockholm Prize 1999 (Brokerage Event on Applied Multimedia), Aronsborg, Stockholm, Sweden.
• National: Vanførefonden (the Danish Disability Foundation) – Copenhagen, Denmark 2006

Invited speaker (selected
• Xerox European Headquarters, Grenoble, France 2004
• CSaLT (Centre for Schooling and Learning Technologies), Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia 2007
• Indian National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad, India (an autonomous body under the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, government of India) 2007.
• Entertainment Research Center, Mixed Reality Lab (MXR Lab) & Singapore Computer Society, National University of Singapore 2007
• Danish Technological Institute, Aarhus, Denmark 2012
• Mathematics and Computer Science Department of the Balearic Islands University, May 2016.

Organizing Chair Int. Conferences e.g. ICDVRAT2006; ICAT2007; ArtAbilitation 2007; DigArt 2008; Art, Brain & Language 2008; ArtsIT 2011
PhD University of Sunderland, UK, Art, Media & Design department

ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 educators program – “SoundScapes: non-formal learning potentials from interactive VEs”, Article No. 18, ACM New York, NY, USA. ISBN: 978-1-4503-1830-3 doi>10.1145/1282040.1282059

Patent family: Title Communication Method & Apparatus
Patent reference numbers
• EP 1279092 (B1)
• WO 0186406 (A1)
• US 6893407 (B1)
• DE 60115876 (T2)
• AU 5822101 (A)
• AT 313111 (T)

2004: Exhibition, COEX, Seoul, South Korea

• Consultant for Education Design and Start-up: Medialogy. Aalborg University Esbjerg, 2002.
• Creative/Research Director: Personics (Creative Industry), IT Research Park, Aarhus, 1999-2001.
• Researcher: RE-FLEX multi-disciplinary center at the Ingvar Kamprad Design Centre (IKDC), Lund University, Sweden. A Virtual, Mixed and Augmented reality technology and expertise resource center working for the benefit of society in the Skåne and Öresund regions where the focus is on people, democracy and solving real-world problems. 2001-2003
• Self-employed in own not-for-profit research company SoundScapes 1994-2015.
• First Artist in Residence at the Centre for Advanced Visualization and Interaction at Aarhus University including opening installation 1999-2001.

2002: FOUR SENSES - Auckland, New Zealand / The Four Senses was a series of multi-sensory concerts performed at the Dorothy Winstone Theatre in Auckland.
Three part primetime TV documentary on You Tube:
(1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTjvCh-XB2o
(2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDX8K6Vq4kk
(3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmiWYTytf_0

2001: Coordination board - European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces www.i3net.org

2001: i3net Village design: Orbit/Comdex, Basel, Switzerland, European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces www.i3net.org

2000: European Cultural Capital, Avignon, France (Cafe 9): CYPRES Luis Bec etc

Mobile/Immobilisé : art, technologies et (in)capacities - http://vbn.aau.dk/files/17108571/pdf a nine year collaboration between myself, CYPRES (Marseille, France) and UQAM (Montréal, Canada) concluding at international conference MOBILE / IMMOBILISÉ : ART, TECHNOLOGIES ET (IN)CAPACITÉS (2007)

2000: Sydney Millennium Olympics & Paralympics (Cultural events festival installation supporting), @HomeBush, Sydney, Australia. / Invited by the LOC, IBM Scandinavia/Australia CRS, and Martin Lights Denmark/Australia - interactive installation 'Personics' - for the cultural events supporting the Millennium Olympics and Paralympics.

1999: SoundScapes @World Congress Physical Therapy (WCPT), Yokohama, Japan (paper/poster/presentation)

1999: 3 interactive installations 'Interactive Painter': (1) Danish NeWave, Gershwin on 7th, New York, NY, USA / Featured performer with own installation/exhibition, which also included the interactive painter, a self-created concept as a performance featuring French painter Manu Rich.Preceding were similar performances at (2) the Scandinavian Centre Aarhus, and at (3) VEGA in Copenhagen.

1998 - 1999 Circle of Interactive Light (COIL) / An interactive installation/exhibition that toured MoMAs in Denmark (four months at each, including Arken, Trapholt, Esbjerg...) plus the Scandinavian Centre, Aarhus and featured as the core exhibition and performance for the "Festuge Fringe" 1999.

1996: European Cultural Capital, Copenhagen, Arken Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)'Paradox'

1996: European Year of the Brain: Aalborg Congress Centre, Denmark.

1996: Cultural Paralympiad, Rialto Theatre, Atlanta, Georgia, USA 'SoundScapes'

1995-1998: Various tours South Korea including performances with Jang Sa Ik, Lim Dong Chang, Kim Ara, Yongkang hall Seoul, Theatre Muchon, etc.

1995 Louisiana Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), Humlebæk, Denmark - http://www.louisiana.dk: "Mu"

1985-1992: USA/Caribbean/Europe/
Exhibitions & Events