Paul Thomas

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Currently based
Affiliated institution
UNSW Art and Design

Dr Paul Thomas, is Professor of Fine Arts at, UNSW Art and Design, UNSW Sydney. Thomas initiated and is the co-chair of the Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference series since 2010. In 2000 Paul instigated and was the founding Director of the Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth.
Thomas is a pioneer of transdisciplinary practice. His work takes not only inspiration from nanoscience and quantum theory, but actually operates there. Thomas’s current research ‘Quantum Consciousness’ is based on the research being conducted by Associate Professor Andrea Morello, Quantum Nanosystems, UNSW, looking at the visualizing and sonifying the electrons superposition in the development of quantum computing. Thomas’s pervious projects investigated silver, the mirror and quantum theories of light and parallel universes in the work ‘Multiverse’. Thomas’s nanoart works ‘Nanoessence’ explored the space between life and death at a nano level and Midas’ was researching what is transferred when skin touched gold. The Midas and Nanoessence installations were in collaboration with SymbioticA, Centre of Excellence in Biological Arts, University of Western Australia and the Nanochemistry Research Institute, (NRI) Curtin University of Technology. Thomas has exhibited nationally and Internationally and his current publications are ‘Nanoart; The immateriality of art’, ‘Relive Media Art Histories’, co-edited with Sean Cubitt and Interference Strategies, co-edited with Lanfranco Aceti and Edward Colless.

Professor Paul Thomas

2005 PhD University of Western Australia.
1996 MA (Hons), University of Western Sydney.
1976-77 Art Teachers Certificate (ATC), Postgraduate Teaching. qualification, University of London, Goldsmiths' College.
1973-76 B.A. (Hons), Camberwell School of Art, London.

OBJECTIVE: I have been working towards sustainable research in the areas of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary fine art education practices. This research has led me to explore internationally the effects of emerging science and technology on all aspects of the fine arts. Based on my experience as an artist, I am working towards developing new approaches in the delivery of art and science post new media art assimilation. My artistic practice focus is exploring new understandings of Uncertainty, quantum phenomena and new materiality’s in the area of art and science.

Practice led research in nanotechnology working on the aesthetics of quantum phenomena at the quantum computer centre, University of New South Wales.
Latest book entitled Quantum Art and Uncertainty.
Appointed Section Editor for Encyclopedia of New Media Art Bloomsbury Press.
Instigator and Co Chair The fifth International Conference on Transdisciplinary Imaging at the Intersections between Art, Science and Culture, The Latent Image, Edinburgh.
Board of Media Art Histories.


• Instigator and Co Chair The fifth International Conference on Transdisciplinary Imaging at the Intersections between Art, Science and Culture, The Latent Image, Edinburgh. April 18-20th
• Section Editor for Encyclopedia of New Media Art
• Promotion to Professor in Fine Art
• Instigated, a sense of place for art: international STEAM workshop, Balanced –unbalanced conference. UK.
• The Leonardo Panel to debate the future of publishing in the area of Art and Science
• Instigator and Co Chair The forth International Conference on Transdisciplinary Imaging at the Intersections between Art, Science and Culture Atemporal Image, Plymouth July 1st– 3rd

• Associate Professor Program Director Bachelor of Fine Arts Hons, College of Fine Art.
• Instigated the quantum computing: Beyond intelligence symposium featuring Professor Gerard Milburn theoretical physicists, Associate professor Paul Thomas Artist and Dr Joel Pearson.
• Instigated and chaired for the Australia Council National Experimental Art Forum on Experimental Art Curriculum Development, Perth.

• Associate Professor Program Director Bachelor of Fine Arts Hons, College of Fine Art
• Leonardo Education and Art Forum (LEAF) International Affiliate.
• Instigator and Co Chair The third International Conference on Transdisciplinary Imaging at the Intersections between Art, Science and Culture, Istanbul June 29nd 31rd June.
• The Leonardo Education and Art Forum: Developing Cloud Curricula in Art and Science, Cornell University, 2014
• Board of i-DAT, University of Plymouth, UK

• Associate Professor Head of Painting, School of Art, College of Fine Art;
• Leonardo Education and Art Forum (LEAF) International Affiliate.
• Board of i-DAT, University of Plymouth, UK

• Instigator and Co Chair The second International Conference on Transdisciplinary Imaging at the Intersections between Art, Science and Culture, Melbourne June 22nd 23rd June.
• Board of i-DAT, University of Plymouth, UK
• Editorial Board Ctrl-Z Philosophy of New Media
• International Affiliate for the Leonardo Education and Art forum.
• The Leonardo Education and Art Forum: Developing Cloud Curricula in Art and Science, Copenhagen, 2012
• The Leonardo Education and Art Forum: Developing Cloud Curricula in Art and Science, Prague, 2012
• Co-Chair of The Second International Conference on Transdisciplinary Imaging at the Intersections between Art, Science and Culture. 2012

2011 Associate Professor Collaborative Research in Art, Science and Humanity within the School of Design and Art at Curtin University and Head of Painting, School of Art, College of Fine Art;
• Program committee International Symposium of Electronic Arts Istanbul
• Coordinator of Collaborative Research in Art, Science and Humanity.
• The Leonardo Education and Art Forum: Transdisciplinary Visual Arts, Science & Technology Renewal Post-New Media Assimilation workshop Liverpool. 2011
• The Leonardo Education and Art Forum: Transdisciplinary Visual Arts, Science & Technology Renewal Post-New Media Assimilation workshop Istanbul. 2011

2010 Appointed Associate Professor Head of Painting, School of Art, College of Fine Art, University of New South Wales.
• Instigator and Co Chair The first International Conference on Transdisciplinary Imaging at the Intersections between Art, Science and Culture. Sydney 5th 6th November.
• Editorial board Ubiquity Intellect Journal

2006 - 2009 Promoted to Associate Professor, Director Collaborative Research in Art, Science and Humanity within the School of Design and Art at Curtin University

• Co chair for the Media Art History conference Re:live, Melbourne 2009.
• Appointed on the International board of the Media Art Histories.
• Australian representative for the Leonardo Education forum.
• Elected board member of Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth
• Program committee Media Art History re:place conference Berlin
• Instigated the Immaterial and material visualisation Symposium, Department of Art Curtin University.
• Program committee member for Computer Art and Design and Education, Perth

2000-2005 Director of the Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth, John Curtin Gallery, Curtin University of Technology.

• I-dat Board Director, Plymouth University.
• Established the Centre for Living and Electronic Arts Research (CLEAR) at the Innovation Centre Technology Precinct
• Curated BEAPworks exhibition at the John Curtin Gallery.
• Director of the largest Electronic arts event in the southern hemisphere.
• Instigated and developed the concept of BEAP 07.
• Develop supporting strategies of the digital city.
• Developed thematic structures for BEAP.
• Created a board structure.
• Developing business and strategic plan.

2004 Promoted to Senior Lecturer Coordinator Electronic Arts and interdisciplinary studies. Faculty of Built Environment Art and Design, Curtin University of Technology

• Executives Deans Award.
• Curriculum development and implementation of the Masters of Electronic Art for 2006
• Created and developed the Interdisciplinary studies and experimental drawing at Curtin.
• I have developed interdisciplinary facilities and a Media lab.
• I am responsible for directing the technical support and development of the lab.
• Designed the generic fine art course structure to meet student research demands.



• Quantum Art and Uncertainty. Bristol: Intellect Ltd; (2018).
• Ed Eats a Pork Pie: Createspace Independent Publishing; Thomas, P. (2016).
• “Relive Media Art Histories” (2013) ISBN 9780262019422
• “Nanoart: the immateriality of Art” (2013) ISBN 978-1-84150-708-8
• “Reconfiguring Space” (2009) ISBN 978-3-639-14088-0

Journals, Catalogue essay

• Transdisciplinary imaging. Ubiquity: The Journal of Pervasive Media, Phillips, M. 5(1), 3-11. doi:10.1386/ubiq.5.1.3_1 (2018)
• Atemporality, art, quantum phenomena and the jester. Ubiquity: The Journal of Pervasive Media,5(1), 25-31. doi:10.1386/ubiq.5.1.25_1 (2018)
• Thomas, P. R. The shifting power of Clouds and Molecular Aesthetics. Leonardo Electronic Almanac, 22(1). (2017).
• ‘Disruptive Agents: Transdisciplinary and Posthumous Manifestations of the Studio,’ Eastwood, D Ubiquity, Vol. 4, No. 1 & 2, 3-21.(2015)
• The body in dialogue with itself, Retter, T. In Mixed and Augmented Reality (Ed.). (2015).
• The Transdisciplinary Cloud Curriculum, Leonardo/v048/48.5
• Forces/Magnitude workshop, Ubiquity: The journal for Pervasive Media, Intellect Vol 1 No 1 2012 ISSN 20456271
• "Suitcase" The World Is Everything That Is The Case, International Symposium of Electronic ArtsIstanbul 2011 ISBN 978-0-9807186-7-6
• Atomism: Residual images within Silver, Leonardo Electronic Almanac Vol 17 No 1 San Francisco 2011 ISBN 978-1-906897-11-6
• Column 7 Artspace special issue of the Transdisciplinary Image Conference Co editor Published by Artspace 2011 ISSN 1835-3487
• “Transdisciplinary strategies in art and science”, Artnodes E-Journal on Art Science and Technology. 2011 ISSN 1695-5951
• "Nanoessence: God the First Nano Assembler." Technoetic Arts 6, no. 3 (2008). ISSN: 1477965X
• "Midas." Leonardo 42, no. 3 (2009). ISSN 0024-094X

Book Chapters

• Thomas, P. and S. Cubitt (2013). New Materialism in Media Art History. Relive Media Art Histories. P. Thomas and S. Cubitt. Cambridge, MIT press.
• “Philosophy of Nano Art” Images & Mirages @ nanoscience. Regards Croisés Paris Edited Anne Sauvageot, Xavier Boujeu and Xavier Marie, Herman, Paris 2011 ISBN: 978 27056 82149
• "Nano Vibrational Interfaces." In Interface Cultures – Artistic Aspects on Interaction, edited by Christa Sommerer, Dorothée Gestrich and Laurent Mignnoneau: Bielefeld, 2008. ISBN 978-3-89942-884-1
• "Midas." In Sk-Interfaces: Exploding Borders in Art, Science and Technology edited by Jens Hauser. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2008. ISBN9781846311499
• “Network building in the digital age” Innovation in Australian Arts – Part I: Disciplines in Transition, Post pressed Flaxton Queensland 2004. ISBN:

Conference refereed

• “Feynman to Bacon the Probability of Diagrams”, Media Art Histories, Conference, Riga 2013
• “The probability of the diagram” International Symposium of Electronic Arts, Sydney 2013
• “Audionano - Vibrating Matter” Totally Huge New Music Festival conference, Australian Music Centre, Perth, (2009). 9780909168698
• “Nanoessence” ACUADS Research 08/09 Adelaide 2009 . ISBN: 978-0-646-50204-5
• “i-500 Intelligent Architecture Project” ACUADS Research 07/08 Sydney 2007. ISBN978-0-9758360-2-6
• “Immateriality and Materiality” In Computers in Art and Design Education 2007 Perth. ISBN 1 74067 530 4
• “Contemplating contemporary architecture” Consciousness Reframed: art & consciousness in the post-biological era Paper titled, 21-23 July 2006 UK
• “The mirror as the primal space for new media” In Altered States: transformations of perception, place, and performance Plymouth 2005. ISBN 1-84102-147-4
• "Reconfiguring Space." In Challenges for a Ubiquitous Identity Bilbao 2004.
• "The Convergent Space - Back to a Wearable Perception." In The Space Between Perth, 2004.


• “Quantum Consciousness,” Thomas P. and Raxworthy K. The Rise of Bio Society, e Gallery, Mount Gambia, 13 Apr 2016 - 7 May 2017.
• “Nanoessence’ Thomas P. and Raxworthy K. The Rise of Bio Society, Riddock Gallery, Mount Gambia, 13 Apr 2016 - 7 May 2017.
• “Quantum Consciousness,” Thomas P. and Raxworthy K. Collision, Collaboration and the Future of Artsci, NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan 14 Nov 2015 - 17 Nov 2016.
• “Quantum Consciousness” Thomas PR, Raxworthy K Art in the age of Catastrophe, Actual Contemporary. 13 Nov 2015 - 12 Dec 2015
• “Quantum Consciousness” Thomas, P. Raxworthy K, Resonance: Immersive Sound Works, International Symposium of Electronic Arts, Vancouver. 2015 14th – 18th August
• “Quantum Consciousness” Thomas, P. Raxworthy K, Sound Invasions, Harvestworks, New York 23rd – 25th July 2015
• “Nanoessence”, Thomas, P. Raxworthy K, Multi media installation. Intimate Cosmologies: The Aesthetics of Scale in an Age of Nanotechnology, Cornell 15th September – 22nd December 2014
• Multiverse” Multi media installation. The Small Infinite, John Hansard Gallery 05 August - 20 September 2014
• “Multiverse”, Thomas, P. Raxworthy K, Multi media installation. Renew 7th international celebration of interactive media art Copenhagen 28th Oct 2013
• “Multiverse”, Thomas, P. Raxworthy K, Multi media installation. Transreal Topologies Exhibition, International Symposium in Mixed and Augmented Reality 30 Sep 2013
• “Nanoessence” Thomas, P. Raxworthy K, The 3RD Art and Science works International Exhibition, China National Science and Technology Museum, 1st November 2012
• “New Materialities” Thomas, P. Raxworthy K, Art|Sci Centre, Californian Nano Systems Institute, University College Los Angeles, 11th April 2012
• “Atomism Quantum’s Mirror” Thomas, P. Raxworthy K, John Curtin Gallery Perth 14 October - 9 December 2011
• “Weather Inflection” Thomas, P. Raxworthy K, Uncontainable International Symposium of Electronic Arts, Istanbul. Sept 15th - 9th Oct 2011
• “Weather Inflection” Thomas, P. Raxworthy K, Translife - NAMOC Triennial of Media Art, Beijing China. 21 July - 21 August 2011
• “Midas” Thomas, P. Raxworthy K, VISCERAL: THE LIVING ART EXPERIMENT Science Gallery, Trinity College. Dublin, 28 January – 25 February 2011
• "Nanoessence” Images & Mirages @ nanoscience, à La Fabrique Culturelle (CIAM) à Toulouse 8 December - 16 December 2010
• “Nanoesence”, Art in the Age of Nanotechnology, John Curtin Gallery Perth, 5 February - 30 April 2010
• ‘Midas’, Super Human: Revolution of the Species, RMIT Gallery, Melbourne 5th November – 5th December 2009
• “Nanoesence”, Biotech Art – Revisited Experimental Art Foundation Adelaide 9 April – 2 May 2009
• “Midas Project”, Evolution Haute Couture: Art and Science in the Post-Biological Age, National Centre for Contemporary Arts, Kaliningrad 2008
• “Midas” Sk-interfaces: Exploring Borders in Art, Technology and Society exhibition, FACT Liverpool 2008
• “Midas” Unsafe Distance exhibition Enter3 Prague 2007.
• “Residual Body” The space between, John Curtin Gallery Perth 2004.
• “Ambiantspace” Outside Tokyo John Curtin Gallery Perth 2003
• “Ambiantspace” at New Forms Festival 2003 Vancouver.

Conference Presentations / posters and abstracts
Conference non refereed

• “Undefinable Visions, Touch, Chaos and Uncertainty” at the Symposium Indefinite Visions at Whitechapel Gallery. UK.
• “The Disruptive Cloud and the Chaos of Uncertainty”, Catastrophe, Cataclysm And The Singular Accident, Winnipeg, 15 Nov 2015
• “Quantum Consciousness and the Unpredictable Swerve” Neolife: The Rest of the World, Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts, Perth, Western Australia, 01 Oct – 3 Oct 2015
• “Reformatting Art Education through Viral Transmissions,” Didactic Disruption: Roy Ascott’s Models for Arts Education and Research, International Symposium of Electronic Arts, Vancouver. 2015 14th – 18th August
• Transversal Practices: Matter, Ecology and Relationality VI Conference on New Materialisms, Melbourne, 27 Sep - 29 Sep 2015
• “Speculative Theory, Quantum Science, Measurement and Art” Aesthetics After Finitude, Sydney, 05 Feb - 06 Feb 2015
• “The probability of the diagram and parallel universe” The Australian Institute of Physics Congress, Canberra, 08 Dec 2014 - 11 Dec 2014
• “Tracing Reality: Measurement and Drawing in the New Scientific Age” International Symposium on Electronic Art, Dubai, 03 Nov 2014 - 06 Nov 2014
• “What constitutes a contemporary transdisciplinary artist studio?” Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools conference, The Future of the Discipline, 02 Oct 2014 - 03 Oct 2014.
• “Measurement Uncertainty and Probability” Cornell Council for the Arts Symposium Intimate Cosmologies: The Aesthetics of Scale in an Age of Nanotechnology", Cornell University, 19 Sep 2014
• “Boundaryless Spin of Uncertainty” Cornell Council for the Arts Symposium Intimate Cosmologies: The Aesthetics of Scale in an Age of Nanotechnology", Cornell University, 19 Sep 2014
• “Creating art/science cloud curriculum” College Arts Association, Chicago, 12 Feb 2014 - 15 Feb 2014
• “The trans/ill/undisciplinary nomad” The Association of Art Australia and New Zealand, Melbourne, 07 - 09 Dec 2013
• “Atomism and many worlds” Colliding Ideas; Art, Society and Physics Symposium, Melbourne, 08 Jul 2012
• “Suitcase” International Symposium of Electronic Arts, Istanbul, Sept 15th 2011
• “New Material Agency” National Institute of Experimental Arts, Experimental Arts Double Conference Sydney 19th - 20th August 2011
• “Material Practice” Materials: Objects: Environments, A HotHouse Workshop on Ecological Thinking Sydney 19 - 20 May 2011
• “Transdisciplinary strategies in art and science”, College Art Association Conference. 9th - 12 February New York 2011
• “Reconfiguring Material Boundaries” AGENCY and ACTION SEAM 15 - 16 October 2010 Sydney
• “Art-Science - Curricular Models and Best Practices” International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) Dortmund, 20 - 29 August 2010
• “Nanoessence: Nanotechnology and the Posthuman Body” International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA), Belfast 2009
• “The Contextualization of Art in Expanding Areas of Research” College Art Association abstracts, los Angeles 2009
• “The Chemist as Flâneur in Intelligent Architecture”, International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) Singapore 2008
• “Boundaryless Body” In Sk-interfaces Stiched Up - The Future Of The Body. FACT Liverpool 2008.
• “Nanotechnology & Spatial Boundaries: The Midas Project” In Tesla Art and Science Research Interest Group, Convener Department of Computer Science, University College London, 2008.
• "Constructed Infinite Smallness" In re:place. Berlin, 2007.
• "Stillness: Contemplation and Pattern Recognition." In Beap 07 Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth: Stillness Art Science Technology. Perth, 2007. ISBN978-9-646-47937-8
• "Boundaryless Nanomorphologies." In MutaMorphosis: Challenging Arts and Sciences. Prague, 2007.
• “Immateriality materiality” In Artists, Designers and Creative Communities Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools. Melbourne 2006
• “BEAP and a granular learning environment“ In The Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools 2005 Perth
• “Creating change” In Vital Signs 2005, Melbourne.
• “Back to a networked future” In Creative Connections Symposium Perth Creative Connections: Perth, 2004.
• “Samedifference” Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth Perth, 2004.
• Presented at the CAiiA-STAR symposium as part of the Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth.
• “Director’s statement” Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth Perth, 2002.

Curating and Directing

• Co-Curator of ‘The World Is Everything That Is The Case’ for the International Symposium of Electronic Arts Istanbul 2011.
• Curated “BEAPworks” at the John Curtin Gallery July to September 2006.
• Curated “BEAPworks” as part of the Festival of Perth at the John Curtin Gallery Feb to June 2005.
• Director “Samedifference” Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth Perth, 2004.
• Director “Locus” Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth Perth, 2002.


2009 Promoted to Associate Professor in the School of Design and Art, Curtin University
2004 Promoted to Senior Lecturer in the Department of Art Curtin University.
2002 Appointed Full time Lecturer as. Coordinator of Studio for Electronic Faculty of Built Environment Art and Design, Curtin University of Technology.
2001 Founder and Director of Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth
2000 Appointed .5 Lecturer in Fine Art
1998 Appointed Acting Program Manager of Fine Art, Western Australian School of Art, Design and Media.
Commenced PhD at the University of Western Australia
Participated in the Australian Network for Art and Technology summer school, at D.A.S in the Film and Television Institute, Fremantle.
Established the Fine Arts Creative Technology Studio at the Western Australian School of Art, Design and Media.
Instigation and curriculum development of Interdisciplinary studies units Western Australian School of Art, Design and Media.
Instigator and founder member of Terminus=, Perth, W.A.
Produced and designed various publications and catalogues for PICA Press Perth, WA.
Appointed Fine Art exam co-ordinator for TAFE in W.A.
Appointed to advanced skills Lecturer position at Western Australian School of Art and Design.
Editor and co-designer of Praxis M, WA's contemporary art magazine.
Created and developed curriculum for the implementation of Interdisciplinary Studies course at the Western Australian School of Art, Design and Media.
Appointed Study Area Leader for Foundation Studies, Western Australian School of Art, Design and Media.
Created and developed courser curriculum for the implementation of Foundation Studies at the Western Australian School of Art, Design and Media.


• International committee for the International Symposium for Electronic Arts, Istanbul 2011
• I-dat Board Director.
• Program committee Media Art History re:place conference.
• Advisory board Media Art History archive.
• Co-Chair of the Media Art History re:live conference
• Editorial board Ubiquity Intellect Journal


2015 New Work grant from the Australia Council, Experimental Art $11,095.00
2009 Media Art History conference Re:live $58,000.00
2008 Australian Learning and Teaching Council grant for project leader of Media/electronic art scoping study $100,000.00
2008 Office of Research and Development sponsorship of Media Art History conference $5000
2007 ArtFlight grant ArtsWA $1825.00
2005 Curtin Mineral and Chemistry Research Precinct Public art project $230,000.00
2004 I have raised over $300,000.00 for this Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth 04.
2003 ArtFlight grant ArtsWA.
2002 I raised over $150,000.00 for the Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth 2002.
2000 Research and development grant Perth Institute of Contemporary arts.
2000 New Work grant from the Australia Council, Visual Arts and Crafts board to produce and develop my latest online/installation work.
Research and development grant Perth Institute of Contemporary arts.
1997 Awarded Australia Council New Media Arts grant in partnership with Imago Multimedia Centre.

1981 - 2001 EXHIBITIONS Pre ERA

2001 Presented Archi_Space a major new online work with streaming audio
Launched a permanent website featuring current research projects and archived projects.
Curated, instigated and participated in 'Screen_Image', Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts and the Sunshine Coast University, QLD.
Exhibited CD-ROM 'Spatial Emergence/Transphysical City', Australian Centre for ontemporary Art, Melbourne.
Exhibited CD-ROM 'Spatial Emergence/Transphysical City', Institute of Modern Art, National Digital Art Award, Brisbane.
Exhibited CD-ROM 'Spatial Emergence/Transphysical City', Artspace, Sydney.
Exhibited CD-ROM ' Poetics of Thresholds' Art Gallery of Western Australia
Creator of Thresholds website
Exhibited CD-Rom 'The Poetics of Thresholds' Experimenta E~Media gallery. Melbourne.
Creator of Terminus= website
Participated 'Situations Vacant' (Media-Space) retrospective view of art spaces, Verge gallery, Perth.
Participated in 'Pixels' electronic art exhibition, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts. (As part of the Artrage Festival).
'Poetics of Thresholds' solo exhibition, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts.
Participated in a group exhibition 'Missing' Goddard De-Fibbes. Gallery Installation of Media-Space work.
'Thresholds', solo-exhibition, YZ Gallery, University of Western Sydney.
Solo exhibition of paintings at the old Praxis Gallery, Fremantle, WA.
'Visual Thinking', solo retrospective exhibition of photo- documentary work, spanning 1977 - 1990. Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts.
Participated in a group exhibition at the Pittsburgh Centre for the Arts (audio component), Pittsburgh.
'Dis-appearance', a fax project around Australia, exhibited at 200 Gertrude Street, Melbourne and Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts.
Solo exhibition of drawings at the Bridge Gallery, Perth.
Performance 'Interpretation' as part of ARX artist exchange, Fremantle.
'I Send You One'. project, 8 images created on computer and networked internationally. The results were printed in Praxis M#16.
Photo-document 10 images created on a 3.5 disc for a Macintosh computer disc sent out as a catalogue.
'See It Be It ' Installation television drawings at Praxis, Fremantle.
Participated in the audio section of ANZART, New Zealand
Performance of 'Sound Drawings' Praxis, Fremantle.
Participated in the Venice Biennale as part of the Art and Science global link up via ARTEX global computer link up.
'Print as Object' exhibition in Melbourne.
Performance of audio works in the Media-Space Experimental Soundworks, Festival of Perth.
Media-Space group installation 'Mediation', Darklight Gallery, Praxis, Fremantle, WA.
Media-Space group installation 'Mediation', IMA, Brisbane, QLD.
Performance of Audio Works at the Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane.
Group exhibition 'Twenty Six Characters' in Artist Week, as part of the Adelaide Fringe Festival. Also presented the performance 'A Realist View'.
Performance of audio works 'Art in the Museum', Festival of Perth, WA Museum.
Performance of 'A Realist View' at the Art Gallery of Western Australia.
Media-Space group exhibition 'REDLINE', installation work part of the Festival of Perth, the Art Gallery of Western Australia.
Participants for Australia at Zona, Florence, Italy.
Group exhibition Audio Works, Museum of Modern Art, Stockholm, Sweden.
Participation by invitation with Media-Space at ANZART in Hobart, TAS.
Participated Sound Poetry and the Open Sandwich ANZART in Hobart, TAS.
Produced radio program 'ACOUSTA-NOVA' for national ABC radio.
Participated with Media-Space in F-1, invitational exhibition in Wellington, New Zealand.
Performance of 'Slow Sticks' at Praxis Gallery, Fremantle, WA.
Participated with Media-Space in travelling documents exhibition at One Flat, Brisbane and A Space, Sydney.
Founder member of Media-Space, alternative art space in Perth, WA.

Exhibitions & Events