Jane Prophet
- Birthyear
- 1964
- Website
- http://www.janeprophet.com
Jane Prophet is a British artist and professor living in the US. She has worked with new media for two decades and integrates it with traditional materials . She became a Senior Researcher at UoW in 1997, Chair Director of the Centre for Arts Research, Technology and Education (CARTE), Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a member of the editorial board for the peer-reviewed journals, Photographies and Leonardo Electronic Almanac. Professor Prophet has developed internationally acclaimed projects such as CELL (2002) and Heart (2004) that break new ground in art and science, collaborating with stem cell researchers, mathematicians and heart surgeons to radically re-envisage the human body. Her commitment to the field of interdisciplinary and collaborative research was recognized in 2005 with a UK National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) Dreamtime Fellowship.
2007-2012 Professor of Art & Interdisciplinary Computing (Full Professor)
Goldsmiths College, University of London
2000 Direktor of CARTE (Centre for Arts Research, Technology and Education), University of Westminster / with Peter Ride
1999 Olay Vision Award / for The Fireman
1999 Researcher at the University of Westminster / Digital Arts
1999 Guestprofessor for Digital Arts at the University College of Los Angeles
1998 Lecturer at the Slade School of Art, University College London / for Fine Arts
1997 - 1997 Artist in Residence at the Banff Centre for the Arts, Alberta, Kanada
1995 PhD from Warwick University, Coventry / Arts Education
1991 - 1995 Principal Lecturer in Media and Head of Digital Media Research, University of Westminster
1989 MA Electronic Graphics from Coventry Polytechnic
1987 BA Fine Art from Sheffield Hallam University
Exhibitions & Events
Prophet, Jane. »TechnoSphere: "Real" Time "Artificial" Life.« Leonardo 34, no. 4 (August 2001): 309-312.
Hamlett, Sian; Prophet, Jane. »Sordid Sites: Voyeurism and Exhibitionism in the Internal Organs of a Cyborg.« FELIX Magasine: Voyeurism Issue (2000).
Prophet, Jane. »Treason`s Script: Interactive Narrative Artwork on CDROM.« Performance Research Online 4, no. 2 (Summer 1999).
Prophet, Jane. »Imag(in)ing the Cyborg.« In Desire by Design: Body, Territory and New Technologies, edited by Cutting Edge Research Group, 51-60. London, UK: IB Taurus, 1998.
Prophet, Jane. »Sublime Ecologies and Artistic Endeavours: Artificial Life, Interactivity and the Internet.« Leonardo 29, no. 5 (1996): 339-344.