Tim Otto Roth
- Birthyear
- 1974
- Website
- http://www.imachination.net
For about 10 years Tim Otto Roth has worked on the photogram and belongs now to the few leading adepts of that medial outlaw. He studied among others with Floris M. Neusüss, whose anthological work he continues in the new form of the portal www.photogram.org. The English portal with database entries to about 300 photogram artists advanced to one of the most important information sources in that field. After his art studies Roth also received with a theoretical scholarly piece on the photogram a final degree in the Theory of Visual Communication. In 2001/02 he was guest lecturer in Madrid und Valencia (E). 2004/05 he gave courses and lectures at the Kunsthochschule Kassel. Together with Peter Weibel he was chairman of the symposium The Photogram. Light, Trace and Shadow at the Center for Arts and Media ZKM Karlsruhe (D) in 2006. He curated in 2007 the photogram film program in the context of the photogram exhibition kamera_los at the Museum der Modern in Salzburg (A). In his publications he opens up new photogrammatical terrain. His recent articles dealt with the photogram film and the history of the full body photogram.
2006 concept and conference chair
2004 - 2004 stay as first artist at the Paranal Observatory/ ESO, Chile
2004 Diploma in theory of visual communication at the Kunsthochschule Kassel
2004 First German Light Art Award „LUX.US“, Lüdenscheid
2004 International Media Art Award of ZKM & SWR, Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden
2002 - 2002 Guest lecturer at Escola d'Arts I Oficis in Valencia
2002 2. Award „Digitale Bildwelten“, Kreissparkasse Recklinghausen
2001 - 2001 Guest lecturer at Facultad de las Bellas Artes in Madrid
2000 Fellowship of the Otto-Braun-Stiftung, Melsungen
2000 Dierichs-Award, Kassel
2000 Production fellowship at the labs of the Ilford Imaging Group,Fribourg/CH
1997 Writings and interviews for journals and magazines / Reviews, Interviews (among others) with Peter Weibel and Boris Groys
1995 - 2000 Studies of the arts at Kunsthochschule Kassel / 2001 class of Floris M. Neusüss, Master
1994 - 1995 Studies of philosophy and politics at Universität Tübingen
Lectureship at Kunsthochschule Kassel
Exhibitions & Events
Marta de Menezes. »eConsciousness.« eConsciousness conference catalogue chapter, Central House of Artists. (2013).
Marta de Menezes. »eConsciousness.« eConsciousness conference catalogue chapter, Central House of Artists. (2013).
Marta de Menezes. »eConsciousness.« eConsciousness conference catalogue chapter, Central House of Artists. (2013).
Marta de Menezes. »SulSol.« Exhibition Catalogue (2013).
Marta de Menezes. »eConsciousness.« eConsciousness conference catalogue chapter, Central House of Artists. (2013).
Marta de Menezes. »eConsciousness.« eConsciousness conference catalogue chapter, Central House of Artists. (2013).
Marta de Menezes. »eConsciousness.« eConsciousness conference catalogue chapter, Central House of Artists. (2013).
de Menezes, M. and Garca L.. From Landscape to Laboratory – Maisemasta Laboratorioon. Finland: The Finnish Bioart Society, 2012.
Vanouse, Paul. »The Relative Velocity Inscription Device.« Signs of Life: Bio Art and Beyond, Ed. Eduardo Kac, MIT Press (2007): 277-283.
Kac, Eduardo, ed. Signs of Life, Bio Art and Beyond. Cambridge, Massachusetts and London: MIT Press, 2007.
Vanouse, Paul. »Mechanism Independent, Paul Vanouse, a minima: actual art publication, Spain, vol 10, 2005..« <http://www.neme.org/266/mechanism-independent> [<23.07.2014>].
Vanouse, Paul and Michael Mateas and Steffi Domike. »A Recombinant History Apparatus presents Terminal Time.« Narrative Intelligence, John Benjamins Press (2002): 155-173.