Peter Hagdahl
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Peter Hagdahl is an artist and professor. He make use of sculptural tradition and spatial configurations exploring the new realities of the information technology. He became the first professor of New Media Art at the Royal University College of Fine Art in Stockholm in 1999. (
1999 Professor i Fri konst , Kungl. Konsthögskolan
1997 - 1999 Professor at the Konstfack, Stockholm
1996 Founder of the Creative Room For Art and Computing (CRAC), Stockholm
1991 - 1992 PS1, New York
1983 - 1988 Valand School of Fine Arts, Göteborg
1997 - 1999 Professor at the Konstfack, Stockholm
1996 Founder of the Creative Room For Art and Computing (CRAC), Stockholm
1991 - 1992 PS1, New York
1983 - 1988 Valand School of Fine Arts, Göteborg