Jill Scott


Jill Scott is an Artist and Professor for Art and Science in the Institute Cultural Studies in the Arts, at the Zurich University of the Arts. She holds a PhD form the University of Wales (UK), MA of USF, San Francisco, and a Degree in Education from Uni Melbourne and in Art and Design from Victoria College of the Arts. She has exhibited many video artworks, conceptual performances and interactive environments in USA, Japan, Australia and Europe. A monograph entitled: Coded Characters Hatje Cantz 2002, Ed. Marille Hahne documents this work.

2000 - 2003 Professorin an der Fakultät Medien, Bauhaus-University Weimar
1995 Workshop for Computer Animation, École des Arts Décoratifs, Straßburg
1994 - 1997 Research Fellow at the Center for Advanced Inquiry into the Interactive Arts, University of Wales, Great Britain / 1998 Phd in media philosophy
1993 - 1997 Artist in Residence and Project-Coordinator for Interface-Design, ZKM, Karlsruhe
1992 - 1995 Visiting Professor, Kunsthochschule Saarbrücken
1990 Director and Curator of the SITE Galleries, San Francisco
1986 - 1988 President of the "Australian Video Festival", Sydney
1982 - 1991 Professor at the University of New South Wales, College of Fine Arts, Sydney / for Video, Film, Multimedia, Sound and Performance
1980 - 1982 teaches Video and Performance at the San Francisco Art Institute
1976 - 1977 Study of Art and Communication, San Francisco State University / Masters Degree
1975 teaches for the Artist in Schools Program, London
1974 Study at the Melbourne Teachers College, Melbourne University / Diploma of Education
1970 - 1973 Study at the Prahan College, Melbourne / Degree in Art and Design
Exhibitions & Events