Francesco Aprile (Lecce, Italy) is freelance journalist, poet and visual-poet, essayist. In 2010 he became member of the literary movement called New Page-Narrativa in store, that has founded in 2009 by Francesco Saverio Dòdaro and for which he published 39 brief novels, 10 poetry and two theoretical texts – in store; he worked as a press agent, secretary, editing exhibition and critical works of the authors belonging to this movement. Since march 2013 the cure of this movement has been at two voices: F. S. Dòdaro-F. Aprile, but currently he is the director of New Page (since august 2016). In April 2011 he founded the group of artistic research Contrabbando Poetico, subscribing the first manifesto. He is the co-founder of Unconventional Press (2012, with Cristiano Caggiula) and the magazine of experimental languages (2014, with Cristiano Caggiula). He is the author of code poetry/poetic algorithm (since 2010), asemic cinema/asemic film (since february 2016), visual poetries, asemic writing, glitch and literary glitch, asemic-glitch writing, theory about informatic-poiesis and informatic punctuation, theory about latency in literature (Exegesis of a renunciation and so on). His works and books of visual-poetries are archived in libraries, centers of documentation, italians and strangers, like the Poetry Library (London), Tate Library (London), MACBA-Center of documentation (Barcellona), the Akademie der Künste (Berlin), ArtPool Art Research Center (Budapest), Poetry Collection (University at Buffalo) and private collections like the Imago Mundi-Visual Poetry in Europe (Fondazione Benetton-Fondazione Sarenco). His research is documented on An Anthology of Asemic Handwriting (edited by Tim Gaze and Micheal Jacobson for Uitgeverij Ed. in 2013), and international journals: S/V Revue (Lyon), Rivista di Studi Italiani (Toronto), La Clessidra (Edizioni Joker), Otoliths (Australia), Il foglio clandestino (Milan), Rem Magazine (New Zeland), Commonline Journal (The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, USA), Le Reti di Dedalus (European Writers' Congress – Italian), Word/For Word (USA), Infinity’s Kitchen (USA), Circulaire 132 (Canada), Letteratura e Società (Luigi Pellegrini Editore), Free Verse: A Journal of Contemporary Poetry & Poetics (Department of English, North Carolina State University), The Nod Magazine (Calgary University), Revista Laboratorio (Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Cile), Coldfront-A vispo supplement, Rivista Risvolti (Edizioni Riccardi) and so on. Last publications: “.excursus” (Redfox Press, 2016), “Entropia del fuoco” (Eureka Edizioni, 2016, with text by Cristiano Caggiula), "Dietro le stagioni" (iQdB Ed., 2015, with text by Cristiano Caggiula), "Exegesis of a renunciation" (Uitgeverij, 2014, with texts by Bartolomé Ferrando and Cristiano Caggiula).