José Luis Alexanco


Together with Manuel Barbadillo was one of the most prominent computer artists of Spain during the 60-70s. Founding member of the Seminar "Generación Automática de Formas Plásticas", which was held in the Complutense University (CCUM) in Madrid. In 1969, in these seminars, led by Florentino Briones, Alexanco started working on an interactive program that generates three-dimensional forms.

Born in Madrid in 1942. Although his artistic work is directed in a special way to sculpture, deals also with paint and is interested in spaces that meet various art forms: so working with Luis de Pablos in the show plastic-sound design and various scenic areas. Also makes experimental films. Enter the CCUM in 1968 and is one of the few artists who from the beginning has knowledge of computers and programming.