Djehan Kidd


Djehan Kidd is a Mediated Reality artist behind, among others, hangars liquides VR, the largest and longest running virtual futurist dystopian VR city on the metaverse, since 2007.
Augmented Reality works selected for the the 55th Venice Biennale. Plans for future Venice Biennales, exclusively, as the artist is working on the city itself.
"I believe that Mixed Realities give the opportunity to create new situations, online society of spectacle is a natural enemy."
Currently lives in between France and Venice in Italy.

Djehan Kidd is a Mixed Reality artist of French, Swiss and Greek descent.
Lives in between France and Italy.
Selected works at Venice Biennale - Official Collateral Event.


Settling in venezia.

Getting ready to start working on the city in AR, on site (most importantly, immersion).

Will exclusively give news on the ADA platform since as an artist I am becoming allergic to social media, very unhealthy and not good for the peace of mind required for inspiration...

Saving Digital Art

Art is not Tech, it doesn't become *obsolete* overtime.

Exhibitions & Events