Jelena Guga


Jelena Guga is a theorist of arts and new media. Her work largely focuses on the ways new media technologies have rearticulated and redefined the notions of identity and embodiment in the age of constant connection and technological augmentation – from identity construction and bodily refunctionalization, to various digital interfaces and/or bio-technological interventions, to the convergence of digital and material landscapes and environmental information augmentation.
She holds a Ph.D. degree in Theory of Art and Media from the University of Arts in Belgrade, where she defended her PhD thesis entitled Body and Identity in Digital Space. She is currently working as a postdoc researcher at the University of West Bohemia, New Technologies Research Center – Department of Interdisciplinary Activities in Pilsen, Czech Republic. From October to December 2014, she was a visiting researcher at SPECS Group, University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain. In collaboration with SPECS team members, she explored the topic of Body Ownership in Virtual Reality through neuroscientific experiments.
She gave public lectures and participated in a number of international conferences. Her published work includes journal and magazine articles, conference proceedings papers, and book chapters in edited volumes. She is the author of Digital Self: How We Became Binary (University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, 2015).

CFP: The 2nd International Conference GOING DIGITAL: INNOVATION IN ART, ARCHITECTURE, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2-3 June, Belgrade, Serbia


The theme of the conference is innovation and creativity in modern society, with the focus on art, architecture, technology, and science as being among the leading proponents of innovative change. Innovation has always been present in human endeavors to solve problems, organize community better, improve the quality of life, work more efficiently, and so on. However, the digital age has brought about unprecedented challenges as well as possibilities of innovation in all spheres of daily life, resulting in a growing need for inter-, multi- and trans-disciplinary approach in, art, architecture, science and technology.


The call is addressed to researchers and professionals in the following fields: art (visual art, applied art, performance art, new media art, biogenetic and transgenic art), photography, graphic design, fashion, and advertising; architecture (green architecture, sustainable architecture, wet architecture, digital architectural design, smart interior design); emerging communication and information technologies (ICT), AI research, neuroscience, and biotechnology; culture studies, theory of art, philosophy, and communication studies.


We invite the submission of original papers related to (but not limited to) the following topics.



• New media arts, computational design and architecture

• Creative space: the interior, green space, built world / street world, augmented space

• Living architecture

• Cyber space/ cyber art/ cyber culture studies

• Virtual and augmented reality in art and architecture

• Innovation in ICT/ enhanced use

• Globalization and new media

• Rethinking the “New” in "New Media"/ Remedialization

• Neuroscience and/in art

• Innovation and creativity in AI and AL

• Trans- and posthumanism in art

• Fashion and new media technologies

• Advertising in the digital age

• Philosophy and theory of new media


Abstracts for the Conference (250-300 words) should be sent to


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